A New Set Of Views

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Nightmare wasn't going to be himself for a while. In the mediphorical sense and a literal one. He was to distressed to shift back into the form he considered closer to himself. Which meant he'd have to man up and talk to Killer like this, or avoid him until this passes.

As appealing as the second option was it wasn't actually an option. It was a hypothetical where Nightmare had the self control to both stay away from the people he lives with, and where he doesn't open the door without hesitation at any given moment.

Nightmare had to man up and just accept that Killer was going to see him like this. Killer was going to see him weak, after a recent fight. It wasn't a fun situation for him. If Killer knew how much mulling Nightmare did before heading out into the living room like a normal person then there would have been quite a bit of teasing.

"Mornin boss." Dust greeted first with a mildly confused expression. Though whatever questions he had he immediately pushed down. Killer didn't push down his 'questions'.

"That's a dumb prank. Even for you Dust." Killer playfully pushed Dust before standing up and holding his hand out to Night, "What's your name?"

"It is Nightmare." Killer recoiled.

"What? Why do you look like that??"

"Would it be possible for us to talk outside?" Killer glanced at Dust with an accusatory air. Nightmare would leave them to sort that out. He went outside himself.

If Killer was going to follow then he'd follow. Night stood near the creek where there were trees that would provide shade, though there wasn't much need for it. Dark clouds eroded the sun with the storm they were sure to bring.

Despite the impending rain it was dry and warm. With breeze had the quality of a sunny day, carrying heat from an unknown source. It was dry as well, almost unpleasantly so. It would have been unbearable if it weren't for the creek.

It smelled nice. The flowers were to far away to be to sweet or overwhelming, and the ones that could be smelt mixed with pine and a few other things that Night couldn't quite place.

None of that was important of course, but what else was he supposed to think about while he waited? Nothing pleasant would come to him when he was left alone with his thoughts for to long. So he thought about the creek instead.

He kneeled down next to it and gently drew patterns on the surface of the water for what felt like eternity.

"Sorry it took me so long, Dust had me distracted." Nightmare nearly fell in from the sudden interruption. Obviously he managed to stay on land (he wouldn't have lived it down otherwise) but he was very close to having soaked his clothes.

"It is all well, I was concerned you wouldn't come to talk though."

"I'm not in trouble of somthin am I?" Nightmare glanced back.

"Why would you be in trouble?"

"Dunno. You just don't seem happy." While he was completely right, that didn't mean Nightmare wanted him to know. Though when you have a built in system that shows your emotional and physical stability it was entirely impossible to manage to keep such things a secret.

"I'm not feeling my best, but that's not your fault by any means," Nightmare drew a circle on the surface of the water with his fingertip, "I actually wanted to talk about Core."

"Core?" Killer echoed full of concern. Nightmare could vaguely understand but he knew he wouldn't ever completely get it.

"The gray Frisk? They wer-"

"I know who you're talking about. I'm more confused about why your bringing them up."

"I'd like you to meet them," Killer sighed, exasperated. Nightmare could imagine him throwing his arms out in a dramatic show of emotion.

"I'd prefer not to meet them. Don't have a good track record with Frisks."

"Hear me out first please?" Nightmare turned to face him fully, trying to convey his emotions the way normal people do.

It worked well enough it seemed. The way Killer fidgeted with a conflicted look on his face told Nightmare he had a shot at changing his mind at least.

"Core is from a pacifist timeline. They have made saving people their entire goal. Meeting them might be good for you, it might give you some form of closure even if it's not your Frisk who's a decent person."

"Not murdering people is a really low bar to be setting boss," Killer joked

"I've set it though."

"I'll meet the kid. Probably just once, but if it'll make you feel better I'll do it." It was pretty clear Killer was under the impression Nightmare was unwell due to the Core situation, and while it was not the cause he was not in the mood to be explaining the real reason.

Plus it would make him feel better in a different department.

"Than they will probably be here any minute if they aren't currently occupied."

"That doesn't sound ominous as hell." Killer leaned against the nearest tree, staring at the sky, "it's gonna rain soon."

"You think?" Nightmare chucked.

Core appeared near the two after several minutes. Turns out they were more busy than Nightmare had expected.

"Is my presence still wanted?" They asked nervously.

"I did expect you to show up, and it would be rude to take that back," Nightmare flicked his hand at each of them, "Killer this is Core, Core this is Killer."

Core held out their hand for a handshake. Killer walked over like he was going to accept but when he reached them he paused. Studying them openly like they were an abnormality of some kind. Eventually though he accepted the handshake and said,

"Weird eye gang?" Core was thrown off guard briefly before they agreed,

"Weird eye gang."


I'm free from school now. Which means either I'm gonna update aggressively or I'm going to disappear off the face of the planet.

I honestly mostly write when stressed and now most of the stress is gone so it's fuck around and find out time!

Also comments pspspspsps

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