It's In My Nature

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Nightmares next few months were about as eventful as one would expect. Letters were burned (yes Dream brought more, no Nightmare did not read them). Dust disapproved but that didn't change anything within the household. Horror was supportive of Nightmares choice and Killer was quiet on the subject.

Nightmare could understand Dusts opinions, he had unwillingly lost his own brother. That didn't give him the right to dictate what Nightmare did.

Other than that there wasn't much drama within the house. Empathizing on in the house.

Within Nightmare? Well that one was different. He had found himself... slipping, a lot. There had been many times where he found himself being needlessly cruel. The type of twist of the knife he used against Error, where it's only empty words.

(thats what he kept telling himself anyway)

It was like an instinct. He didn't know what caused it to the sudden change, or if it was even sudden. Had the need always been there? To cause harm? Had he just been to terrified to weaponize it? To weak to? He despised the idea, it worried him.

Ink had said he was made to be an antagonist. That was an evil trait to have. To want to break people. It was both a internal and external need. To harm himself and others. It was terrifying.

It was also thrilling.

Every time he gave in, every time he caved on some poor towns folk or castle dweller every time he threatened them, every time he reminded them of the pain they wallowed in. He felt powerful.

It was a terrible impulse, one that he could not find himself bringing up within the house. While surrounded with murderers. He wasn't ready for what a seemingly innocent child had to say about it.

"Nightmare?" A questioning voice came from behind him.

"Core?" He turned to face them. They were uncomfortable, fidgeting with the sleeves of their sweater.

"I'm worried about you," Nightmare tensed, that could be for a multitude of reasons. He held his tongue, "recently you've been weird."

"Do you care to elaborate?"

"Nightmare... I think you know why," Core looked up at him, somehow communicating concern in their empty eyes.

"Which part?" He asked exaggerated. He did not need Core telling him what he was doing was immoral.

"You're lashing out." Nightmare froze, that wasn't what he was expecting.

"-what do you mean?"

"You're angry and taking it out on others."

"That's not what it is."

"Then what is it?" Core seemed like they believed him.

"It's-" Nightmare looked away like that would hide the judgement he'd get, "it's in my nature."

"Is it now?" Core didn't sound impressed.

"It's a need. I can not explain it."

"You're lying." Nightmare whipped his head back to look at Core, "I don't think it's within your intentions to. You just are."


"You're grieving. A lot more than your acknowledging. You miss your brother, at least a little. You miss your home."

"I don't." Nightmare insisted.

"That's what I said." It was hard for Nightmare to imagine Core with a home other than the Omega Timeline, "My universe was horrible. The surface was at least. It was war ridden and cruel. I had nothing, so when I found joy I lived it over and over. Dragging people through my sick game for my own pleasure. Like you are now,"

Cores voice wasn't as even as when they started, but it wasn't judgemental. Just unsteady and meek. This was personal for them.

"I got kicked out. I can't go back," Cores face lowered so their hair hid it, "You can't go back either. You want to though, don't you?"

"I suppose so," Nightmare softly agreed. Matching Cores tone.

"You should talk to Dream, at least hear him out." Core grabbed his sleeve to force his attention on them, "You don't owe him anything, but you owe it to yourself. You owe others to move past this phase of these things. Just like how I did."

"I'll do it, at least once." Core seemed pleased. It was kinda nice, to feel like someone got it. Because obviously Core had done some messed up stuff. They were some level of guilty whenever Nightmare saw them.

It was nice to have an idea of what. It was nice that Core trusted him enough to tell him. They didn't seem to go around talking about it for fun, even if they seem to know what has happened to everyone else.

'I hope they don't know what happened to me,' that's unrealistic, 'I hope Core doesn't think I'm ruined and dirty from my past,' that also seemed unrealistic. Nightmare couldn't even move past that shame.

Core seemed more forgiving than him though.

"What's wrong Night?"


"You saw my past, didn't you?" Core nodded before tilting their head, full of doubt

"Well, sort of. I saw the end of it. I'm young, I definitely understand that towards the end you were probably less of yourself than you would have been before, or even towards the beginning. I can only say I've probably seen a few months or a year of your past." That was actually pretty comforting. It was nice Core didn't have to see all of it. Even if they saw any of it.

"How do you view it?" Core hummed thoughtfully before speaking.

"You were treated horribly to put it lightly. Sometimes when I have nightmare about the things I've seen outside of my own life I'm in your place." Core paused, "that only happens with the really bad stuff."

They glanced over ready to correct the statement, and correct they did.

"I obviously didn't experience it, but sometimes when I get to attached to something I see it feels that way. Its why I cared for Ink so much. I got overly attached. I'd say I did that with you in a lesser sense. You must somewhat understand the parasocial relationships, with your emotional understandings."

"It has occurred on some level. I normally push it down. Sometimes when I encourage it I feel as if I know them. It's certainly worse for you though," Nightmare was amazed by how open Core could be. It was something of a marvel. How did the words not burn their throat the way his seemed to?

"It's not a competition Night," they hugged him tightly. At least as tightly as a preteen could, "You're going to hear Dream out right?"

"I will," Nightmare hugged back, "so Dust sent you out didn't he?"

"He certainly encouraged it after our last game night." Core replied cheekily, Nightmare was a man of his word and understood no take backs.


I've run out of one word titles. So now I'm just doing whatever. Also Core!!! My beloved!!! See them???? Their great!!!

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