Sorrows Drowned

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It was February, the sun was starting to rise earlier. The weather was nicer than it already was. The days were full of potential but the nights still held that ting of winter sadness on them.

With Nightmares group the sadness almost always would out way the joy. Especially when it came to that winter slump. Even the last hints of it.

Nightmare would love to blame Killer or Dust, but it was Crosses idea to, 'drown their sorrows'.  He had been staying over at Nightmares, feeling lonely in the Omega Timeline. Nightmare had been originally dragged into the drinking session by force. With Dust calling him a coward for not taking a shot.

Then one shot turned into a glass of wine, and turns out alcohol was exactly as strong as people made it seem.

"You're fuckin ancient and haven't had alcohol before?!?" Nightmare gripped Killer by the shoulders to steady himself.

"Me and Dream were like. Babies. No alcohol. Must protect the innocent,"

"That's screwed up man," Dust took a sip of his own drink, probably the only person in the room who was pacing himself in any sense.

"I get it though," Cross was decidedly sad drunk, or maybe he was just sad, "I got reset sooo many times, had to reach the legal drinking age again and again. Got treated like a stupid kid too,"

"Dude, ya still are a stupid kid,"

"You wish I was Killer," Cross's voice was slightly muffled. He liked laying on the floor apparently, "Maybe then you'd be able to beat me in a fight,"

"Boys boys, you're both pretty," Horror had an insane alcohol tolerance. At least in Nightmares opinion. He seemed completely sober.

"Horrors correct, don't fight or I'll kick you both out,"

"Boss your threats are extra empty when your drunk,"

"Just like Killers hopes and dreams,"

"Jesus Cross. Calm down," Killer loved annoying Cross. Cross was finally getting a taste of returning the favor.

"And mine," Cross added, "Probably all of ours,"

"You're all depressin as hell. Even Boss seems full of joy in comparison,"

"Not all of us can be fun drunks," Dust didn't show if all the drinks had effected him on him, "its the price of being funny the rest of the time,"

"Mhm it's the price of being funny. That's why your only funny now Killer," Nightmare pressed his cheek against the couch arm next to him. Looking at the room from the side.

"Boss ya shouldn't argee with Dust cuz that means your never funny,"

"I knew that,"

"Sure ya did," Killer barely held back his laughter.


"Do you guys ever worry your just made up of the sum of your mistakes?"

"That question isn't loaded at all. Real mood lightener Cross," Dust had his face resting in his arms on counter. Nightmare had assumed he had passed out, but apparently not.

"Think about it though! Don't you ever worry that most of who you are came from what you did wrong?"

"Does it really matter? Ya did the wrong things either way. If that made ya it's only fair," Killer had started a game of solitaire, as no one wanted to play poker against him. It seemed like he was losing.

"I think everything I've ever done was a mistake," Dust said, almost like it was a joke but the delivery fell flat.

"I get that. It feels easier to blame myself. Because then at least it happened for a reason," Cross sighed, "Though there definitely wasn't a reason. Gaster was just... You know,"

"A control freak? Crazy?" Horror offered.

"Crazy? I was crazy once-"

"Shut up Killer,"

"The first one. Everything always had to be perfect or it had to be nothing,"

"It wasn't your fault. It couldn't have ever been perfect," Horror comforted.

"Still, more often than not I was part of the reason things weren't 'perfect'. I've only been through so much because of my own mistakes," Cross sat up from his spot on the floor, turning towards the couch, "Everything that's ever happened to me because of mistakes. So I'm made up of mistakes,"

"I think I'm made up of all the parts of my brother he didn't want," Nightmare mumbled.

"You're twins. Twins are always like that," Nightmare doubted that Dust had met that many twins in his life.

"...I miss my brother," Cross hardly mentioned his old family. At least not the parts he liked. Nightmare could write a dissertation on how Gaster fucked Cross up.

"I'll drink to that," Dust raised a glass.

"Sure, why not," Killer had certainly lost solitaire.

Horror politely stayed quiet. Cross stumbled to get his drink from the table.

"It's whatever," Nightmare lifted his cup to match the others.

"Cheers," Horror diplomatically ended the conversation there.


Nah cuz why is Horror the only guy who's allowed to have a good family relationship.

This one was hard to write. I know how drunk people sound but I don't know how to write it without making it really obnoxious to read.

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