A Couple of Vignettes

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Ink was excited for his day out with his friends. Honestly he was just glad Dream had finally seemed to come around to Blue. They were both walking ahead through Underswaps Snowden, with Ink behind them just watching.

Between them and Cross it seemed like everyone Ink cared about were finally getting along. Ink was surprised by how happy that made him.

Maybe deep down he wanted everyone to hold hands and sing Kumbaya.

It sounded like the others were debating on where they should go, to Muffets Grill or Grillbys bakery. From the expectant looks they both shot back at him Ink could tell they wanted his vote to break their tie.

"If we do things correctly we could do both. Muffets for lunch then Grillbys for desert,"

"Great idea!" Blue grabbed Inks hand and dragged him next to him, that way he could no longer linger behind, "What do you think we should get from Muffets?"

"Pie would be amazing," Dream replied.

"Ooh! What type?"

"I'll most likely have strawberry. Does Grillbys serve tea?"

"I don't believe so, but we could get pie to go then bring it back to my house. I have a few different types of tea,"

"That'd be perfect," it was going to be a good day for Ink.


Nightmare knew it was a bad idea to try and bring everyone shopping. There was a reason he normally did all the shopping by himself.

Dust and Killer were seconds away from strangling each other over who gets to ride in a cart. Horror was too distracted by all the options around them to actually be useful as a responsible adult. Worst of all Nightmare himself was amused by it! It was utterly mortifying on an objective level. Nightmare often went shopping in this particular au. It was used to interdimensional travellers so no one would bat an eyelash at him.

He'd hate to be too ashamed to come back. On the other hand it was really funny when Killer elbowed Dust in the gut over a shopping cart. Not that Nightmare would let them know he thought as much.

"Dust, Killer. You two need to stop trying to harm each other over such childish things," Nightmare barely kept a straight face, "Do Roshambo instead,"

"Ro sham bo famously ends with someone's ankles getting kicked in. Just call it rock paper scissors like a normal person, will ya Boss?" Killer stopped elbowing Dust at least.

"The shins dumbass. You kick someone in the shin," Dust didn't stop trying to push Killer out of the shopping cart.

"Maybe where you came from it was the shin. Smart people aim for the ankles,"

"What? Was your au big on breaking bones over rock paper scissors?" It was going to be a long trip for Nightmare, and he might have to find an new au to do grocery shopping in. At least Dust and Killer had moved on to debating something stupid instead of trying to murder each other.


"There's no need to be so dramatic Blue!" Dream could be heard all the way from Inks room. It probably wasn't good whatever was happening.

Ink could just stay hidden in his room. He was working on a painting. Nobody would really be able to judge him if he didn't come down.

He'd be a bad friend if he just ignored it though. That's why he ended up in the living room.

"What's wrong? I heard shouting," And Blue looked like he couldn't decide if he wanted to cry or to punch somebody.

"Dream said I'm not actually going to be a royal guard,"

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