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Nightmare went to a genocide au, knowing what he was looking for but not how to find it. More accurately, him.

He had asked Ink to give a list of people who would be in the group he'd make. Of course Ink would be willing to help. He had the list in his pocket now.

The place was really cold. In every sense of the word. It was like the place was stained with cold. Like it sunk into the ground and everything else. It was more than the temperature, it was just the feeling of the place.

It took a while for Nightmare to even find him. Or more so be found. A man stood in the forest across from him, a knife in hand and blood and dust stained his clothes.

Nightmare was about to greet him when he found said knife to his neck. He flinched, and maybe the other guy noticed but if he did Nightmare likes to think he forgot.

"Now now. That's not how you greet people is it?" Night carefully pushed the knife away with one of his tentacles. The man ahead of him clearly was confused enough to reply.

"It is how I greet people."

"Well that now how I greet people, and I'd prefer to do this my way." Nightmare tried to look intimidating and it seemed to work, "I'm Nightmare, and you are?"

"I'm Killer."

Out of the whole group Killer was the easiest to get to join. Horror was the second easiest to get to join and from there it was more difficult but not much.

Getting Ink to make him the house was harder than getting Dust to join. Night and Ink had to have a small back and forth on how big it should be and where it should be.

"I'd prefer if it was near your house."

"First off, no. Second of all bold of you to assume I have a house."

"What??? How do you not have a house? You can make a house in an hour." Ink laughed.

"I sleep in a hammock in the doodle sphere. There's no weather there so I don't need nor want a house." Nightmare rolled his eyes.

"Then the house can't be there?"

"The house can't be there. I could find somewhere to put it though. If you'd like I think I could make a small au that won't take up much space but you can use it."

"Just don't put it in Dreamtale." Ink playfully saluted.

"I'll keep that in mind!"

So Nightmare had a home, a place to be. It was pretty as well. Ink obviously put a lot of effort into it. There was a stream running near a large house made of wood with burgundy accents. There were flowers sprinkled around the home in the field. There were also a few trees but overall it was open and warm feeling.

Inside the house was plain but Nightmare knew the walls were begging to be decorated. There were seven rooms, just as Night had wanted. He would have to thank Ink later.

After he had got Dust, Horror, and Killer and found Cross had already taken residency in the Omega Timeline, he only had one more person he wanted to try to help. Ink called him insane but Ink calling anyone insane is like, well Ink calling someone insane. So he stepped into their home confidently.

"Error." He greeted the figure sitting on a low quality beanbag.

"What do you want?" Nightmare ignored the way he rolled his eyes and continued with the pitch.

"I have a prospect for you."

"Oh stars you aren't trying to fix me like Ink, are you?" Error finally turned to Nightmare.

"It's not my responsibility to fix you. Neither is it Ink's. I came here to ask you if you'd like to join my, group for lack of better term. I would appreciate it if you'd join us."

"Somehow this is worse than you trying to fix me." Nightmare wanted to strangle him. That wouldn't be a good way to make friends.

"If you really feel that way I will leave."

'Errors a dickhead anyway' Nightmare didn't really want him in the home anymore.

"Yes please."

Nightmare left without much remorse. He went back to outside of the house. Ink was there, sitting under one of the trees.

"Hello Ink."

"There you are!"

"Is something wrong?" He shook his head.

"I just wanted to know your opinion on the house! Also one of the guys in there threatened me with a knife so I'm outside right now." Nightmare sat down next to Ink.

"Killer right? He's a fascinating person."

"He very much is." Ink smiled

"I do appreciate the house. It's very peaceful. I actually wanted to ask if you wanted to stay with us?"

"I would like to but I don't think I can. It's not what I'm meant to do." Nightmare tried not to take it personally but it was hard.

"Is there any particular reason?" He knew the reason was probably Dream and his inevitable escape.

"It's just not where I belong. I want to stay in the doodle sphere."

"You aren't planning on staying with Dream then?"

"Not even a little honestly. I kinda just like where I am for now."

'thank you. That was the last thing I'd want.'

"I can understand that."


Genuinely though how does Nightmare get the mansion in the normal story? Does he put on his little builder hat and make it?

Also why the hell would ever put it in Dreamtale other than to give Dream more trauma? (assuming that he knew Dream would come back)

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