A Home/A Favor

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The house was going well for Nightmare. Sure all the members had murderous tendencies, but at least they no longer threatened Ink when he knocked at the door. (He was still weary about coming inside due to the first time.)

The group was adjusting though. Horror was the only one who had any reason to go back to his au. Which he did often, but the others had to deal with each other a lot. So they were starting to get used to each other.

Not as close as they could be but certainly not strangers. Nightmare probably knew each of them best of the group though. Not only did he speak to each of them the most, emotions were a great way to learn about people.

Dust often would wake up in fear in the middle of the night (why was Night up? Well he and Dust had the same problem.) Killer would often go outside and wander to calm himself down. Horror would come into Nightmare room during the day sometimes to borrow books that Ink had left him.

They also all liked games to different levels. Which must of been how the tradition started. The tradition being in two parts. First they would play uno for a few rounds then Horror would set up a movie.

Horror chose the worst movies and Nightmare would like to choose, but he didn't know how a TV worked. It was also a little late to ask about it. Consequences of living in an au where technology doesn't exist yet, he supposed.

Tonight it was something called 'Rubber'. Which Horror insisted was a masterpiece but Nightmare was doubtful. Mainly because it was about a sentient tire.

He was pleasantly surprised when the movie was a trainwreck, but the type that was amusing to make fun of.

"So this has no purpose to exist?" Horror nodded enthusiastically.

"That's sick!" Killer announced as another person got exploded.

Killer was like a tiny child getting excited over seeing a horror movie for the first time and Horror was just happy to share the movies he enjoyed. Dust was rather meh, but Night knew he was content under the neutral face he put on.

The end of the movie came and Nightmare was rather unimpressed with how it resulted, it implied there would be another in a weird way. Just as he was gonna tell Horror that he enjoyed it he felt something new, something interesting.

"I'm going to go outside."

"Mk boss." Killer was the only one who verbally acknowledged him. With Dust giving him an okay symbol and Horror seemed to be aware enough that he was leaving that Nightmare took it as a reply.

When he stepped out he saw both what he expected and something unexpected. A person who he assumed was Core was standing there, but they were so small. Whenever Core was mentioned to be a child Nightmare assumed they'd be at least a teenager but they looked eleven at most.

'isnt this a bit much for an eleven year old to handle?' but that's not what he really said. It's never what he really says.

"I presume Ink sent you."

"Is it that transparent?" They sounded like a kid too.

"It's either him or Outer and I doubt Outer would request you meet me." Core shifted on their feet unsurely

"I was planning on visiting at some point, I've just been very busy." Something told Nightmare they weren't actually planning on visiting.

"Was there any reason behind you visiting?"

"Well I wanted to ask you if you'd like to come to the Omega Timeline." They then pointed at the house, "you don't seem like you need that anymore though."

"No one would have liked me there anyhow. So while I appreciate your effort I dont believe I'd be able to work within your scheme."

"I'd still like to give you a chance. I promised Ink I would." Core walked past Nightmare and to the door to the house, "so if you walk in the door and think about the Omega Timeline then you'll be there."

Nightmare really wanted to ruffle this persistent child's hair, tell them he'll be okay where he is and that he'll let Ink know that they kept their promise. He would do it, but he was confident that it would ruin his illusion of power.

"Kid. I don't have any need to go with you." Core stared at him with those blank eyes and it was unsettling.

"Is what you're doing really that important?" That's how Nightmare got pressured into going to the Omega Timeline by a small child.

Admittedly it should of taken more effort on Cores part. Their creepy eyes gave them an advantage. Plus they were Ink... Ally? Friend? Whatever they were Ink respected the hell out of Core.

When Night did cave it only took a few seconds in the place to realize it was lovely. It was a weird mash of aus that made it obvious why anyone would want to live there. The colors didn't always go together and it looked like some neighbors were arguing about the mismatch mess of their houses. Nightmare could appreciate it though, it kinda reminded him of what he imagined an au made for Ink would look.

"Just don't tell Error how to get here. He's really determined to destroy this place. Enough people have already had their homes wrecked by him. I don't want it to happen again."

"Trust me, I have no reason to help him. The guys a prick."

"Good." Core disappeared. It wasn't like the normal teleportation of most people. It made Nightmare curious, but he had no reason to take action.


And now Cores in the story. Cuz I love them and it's my story.

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