Birthdays and Anniversaries

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The winters in their little universe was incredibly mild. Cold enough to kill the flowers that were once there, but warm enough grass and more hardy plants would thrive. It wasn't anything new for Nightmare. Dreamtale lacked seasons all together, always the same pleasant sun and breeze. The first time he had seen snow had been after he left.

Nightmare wondered if Ink took that into consideration when he made their home.

Dust was the first to notice Nightmares melancholy. It had been distressing to watch the flowers Ink had made them wilt away into nothing. Dust grumbled about how he needed something to do anyway, the he set to work on a garden.

Everyone else pitched in but there was a silent agreement that when push came to shove this was Dusts project. No matter how many weeds Horror pulled or how many holes Killer dug Dust was in charge. Nightmare was plenty content with Dust being in charge. The guy seemed like he needed a win if his turmoil of emotions were to go by.

Nightmare never liked dirt anyway. So supply runs suited him.

When the flowers finally grew in (the second batch they planted. Horror drowned the first one) it was almost Nightmares birthday. He never liked his birthday. It never really was his. It was Dreams. The single time it had been about him was the one time Ink tried to celebrate it with him, which went awfully. They had just met only weeks prior and Ink was far too enthusiastic.

That meant it had been three years out of Dreamtale, and a year without Ink.

Luckily there were more pressing matters than silly things like anniversaries or birthdays. Nightmares roommates seemed to be under the impression that he didn't know what Christmas was. One offhanded comment about never experiencing a real Christmas and suddenly everyone is scrambling to prepare a, 'proper' Christmas.

It was not like they were entirely misguided. Nightmare truly hadn't experienced anything he would describe as Christmas-y. The only person who gave him a gift or spent the day with him had been Dream. 

Christmas fell so close to his birthday that the others would let it slip through their radar. At least most of them.

"I wanted you to have this," Core nudged a present towards Night. They had the decency to make sure they didn't give it to him in front of the others.

"You know too many things about too many people," Nightmare shook his head half heartedly. Core pressed the box with more force, making him finally take it.

"It comes with the job unfortunately,"

"And rarely fortunately. Such as in cases like this," Nightmare removed the bow from the present before shopping, "Its your birthday soon too isn't it?"

Core nodded,

"Next month. January 24th, it's not the real day but... Well you know why it's then,"

"Are you going to want to do something for it? I would be willing to host it,"

"I'll leave that up to you, but if you plan something I'll come," they tapped the present to remind Nightmare to open it.

Inside the box was a scarf made out of multiple shades of grey. It was clumsily made, like a child's art project. Nightmare could see breaks in the pattern where certain loops got bigger or where a shade of grey was skipped in the pattern. It was wider than most scarfs too.

"Did you make this?" Core nodded again, keeping their face carefully flat. Nightmare could sense the nervous excitement escaping them though, "The craftsmanship is very good, especially considering how busy you are. I like the pattern, the stripes are a good touch,"

Core couldn't contain their proud smile.

"I spent hours and hours on it! So much time that the purple yarn turned grey just from me touching it.  I know you shiver sometimes when your inside and you never get a blanket you just bear it. So I thought I'd make you a blanket, but blankets are big," So they made him a scarf instead. It was a very sweet gesture. Nightmare draped the scarf over his neck and shoulders before setting down the box.

"Thank you Core, I appreciate your efforts very much," they hugged him suddenly.

"It could have been so lonely. You guys could have kicked me out. You could have sent me away when Killer was scared of me. But you didn't. You stood up for me and you invited me to your game nights and you all cheat at monopoly but," Core sniffled, "I'm really happy I get to be there. I'm glad you're my friend. Happy birthday Nightmare,"

Nightmares mouth was dry and words failed him. He still was not used to people wanting to be around him. No matter how much time out of Dreamtale he spent it still shocked him.

"You aren't tell Horror, Dust and Killer are you?" Core hopefully knew he wasn't changing the subject out of malace.

"I won't tell them, as tempting as it is. I will tell you one thing though. I know you haven't gotten Horror a Christmas present yet and I know he's been saying he needs new spatulas after what Cross did to the last ones. Don't get him any. Both Killer and Dust got him the same ones. Don't be like them. Get him something different,"

"That's- I appreciate you telling me that. I was planning on getting him a new spatula set,"

"I figured as much," Core sounded a little too proud of their guess.

"As I previously stated, you are too smart for your own good."

"That's very true. Now you should go show off your scarf to the others!"


In Oleander I remember writing a big fight between Dream and Ink on Dreams birthday. Figured Nightmare could have a decent small thing to balance it out.

Also CORE. I love them. Little baby. Also the only person who I could think of that would know Nightmares birthday.

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