Chapter 2

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~Chloe's POV~

After my mom dropped me off I walked to my locker and met up with Maddie

Maddie has been my best friend since we were 2

"Hey Maddie!"

"Hey Chloe!" She said

"Are you excited for dance after school? "

"Yes! I did really good this weekend, I'm sure I'm on top of the pyramid!" Maddie said

A little bit of jealously kicked in

"Umm yeah..." I said

*Bell Rings*

"I'll see you later Maddie"

I start walking to my first class and see Paige and Nia up ahead

"Paige, Nia wait for me!" I said

I finally catch up to them and we head to our first block which is English


"Chloe are you excited for dance today?" Asked Paige

"I don't know, I'm afraid Mrs. Abby is going to yell at me for not beating Maddie this past weekend"

"Someone needs to beat Maddie and show her how it feels" says Paige

"No kidding"

Soon my mom pulls up and honks her horn to get my attention

"I'll see you later Paige"

"Bye Chlobird!"

I hop in my car and head off to dance

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