Chapter 5

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~Maddie's POV~

I woke up from the sound of my phone going off, it was a text from Chloe

~Go kill yourself, you are a horrible dancer, you fat, ugly, and no one likes you!~

I thought to myself why would Chloe say something like that!

I decided not to text Chloe back maybe she was just joking with me, I'll ask her at school today


I walked through the doors and see Chloe standing by her locker

"Hey Chloe, I have a question?"

She gave me the stank eye

"I was wondering what that text was about this morning, is all that stuff true?"

"It is definitely true! Now go away you are spreading your ugliness"

My eyes filled up with tears and so I ran as fast as I could go the bathroom but all of a sudden I ran into someone, I didn't bother looking who it was I was so upset I didn't want to talk to anyone

~Josh POV~

While I was walking down the hallway I see someone running right at me and we end up crashing into each other. It was Maddie, she was crying. I wonder what was wrong but she ran away before I could ask, I'll just text her later

~Maddie's POV~

The rest of the school year went pretty slow but finally the bell rang and I ran straight to the car and we headed to dance, I was not wanting to go because Chloe would be there. We pulled up in the parking lot and I went in a greeted Abby and went into the dancers den to start stretching

"Hey K!" I said as Kendall walked in

"Hey Maddie!"

At least I have other friends who like me for who I am

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