Chapter 27

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~Abby's POV~

"Okay, I need my 4 soloist"

"Um Abby I thought there was only 3 soloist this week"

"I have entered another soloist, someone who could beat Maddie"

"Abby, the three soloist can beat Maddie"

"Holly, I'm putting Chloe in because I know she will win"

"But that's wrong"

"Don't tell me is wrong Holly, it's my company so deal with it"

~Holly POV~

This is very disrespectful to the three soloist who have been working hard this week, we all know Chloe will win it, so why not give another girl a shot

~Abby POV~

"All right girls lets go"

~Maddie POV~

I am really excited for my solo this week because I don't have to perform against Chloe

"Up next we have act number 12 Maddie with 'Golden Child"

By the time the song ended I thought I did pretty good for 1st, I just hope the judges like it

~Chloe POV~

I walked backstage and saw Maddie finishing her solo, I was nervous because it looked really good

"Chloe what are you doing"

"Maddie I am doing a solo"

"What! I didn't know you were doing a solo"

"Yeah, Miss Abby gave me a solo so I could beat you"

"Well that's not going to happen"

"Will see about that"

I gave her a small smirk and walked away

~Paige POV~

I am really nervous about my solo this week because when Me and Chloe were on the bus she told me she had a solo so now if I want to be first I have to beat Chloe and Maddie

"Up next we have act number 13 is Paige performing You Don't Know Me"

Here I go, I started when the music started and ended when the music stopped

"Thanks you Paige"

I messed up, I know I did, Abby is going to be upset

~Nia POV~

I am very confident with my solo I just hope the judges like it

"Up next we have act number 14, Nia with Just Dance"

I went out with a bang and ended with a bang

~Kendall POV~

"Judges up next we have act number 15, Kendall with Bang Bang"

I started my dance and did all the corrections Miss Abby told me to, I just hope Miss Abby doesn't find any more correction, I don't want to end up on probation again

~Chloe POV~

"Up next we have act number 16, Chloe with See You Again"

During my whole solo I was worried about beating Maddie and fixing my corrections and I can see Josh, my crush sitting in the audience, that made me even more nervous, I just felt my self stop and I froze, I couldn't remember the rest, I was so nervous I ran off stage crying

~Christi POV~

I see that Chloe isn't on today, something's bothering her, all of a sudden she freezes and runs off stage crying

"Excuse me, Excuse me...Chloe"


She ran up to me crying

"I am so sorry mom"

"Why are you upset"

"I forgot my dance and Miss Abby is going to be mad at me"

"Shhhh Chloe it's okay, it's just one solo"

"But Miss Abby wanted me to beat Maddie" she said sobbing into my shoulder

"It's okay let's go"

I wiped Chloe's tears and we both walked back to the dressing room

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