Chapter 25

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~Chloe POV~

Its Saturday and we are headed to a dance competition, I'm a little nervous to compete my solo without any of my teammates knowing

"Morning Chlobird"

"Morning Paigey"

"Are you bummed your not doing a solo this week"

I wish I could tell Paige but I promised Abby I couldn't, maybe she won't tell the other girls, I hope she doesn't get mad

"Um Paige, Miss Abby did give me a solo..."


"She wanted no one to know so Maddie doesn't find out"

"Why did you keep this from me"

"Paige I had to, if I was allowed to I would've told you already"

"And you telling me this now, Chloe what are the other girls going to think"

"I don't know, I won't do my solo then"

"Chloe you have to, or Miss Abby won't be happy"

"I'll think about it"

The whole ride there was miserable, all I was thinking was about my solo, I have to do it, the girls with understand

"Girls wake up we are here!" Yells Miss Abby

Great it wasn't a dream

~Abby POV~

"Alright girls, we have the duet first then solos"

"Chloe I need to talk to you"

I called Chloe out into the hall to talk to her about her solo

"Chloe are you prepared for this solo"

"Yes ma'am"

"Good, now go get ready"

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