Chapter 8

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~Maddie's POV~

I woke up this moring with my eyes all red and puffy, I didn't even bother putting on make up. I walked into my walk in closet and picked out sweats and a ALDC shirt, I put my hair in a messy bun not caring what it looked like and walked down stairs. When i passed Mckenzie she glared at me

"Ew! Looked like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed"

I didn't bother saying anything back I just walked in the kitchen and grabbed an apple and went back up stairs

"Maddie lets go" yelled my mom

I walked down stairs with my bag and jumped in the car, I do not want to go to school today. When my mom dropped me off I placed my hood over my head and proceed walking, everyone was staring at me I could feel it and I heard laughing and talking beside me

"Look who it is, its little Miss Abbys favorite, maybe you should kill yourself so Miss Abby can like me" Chloe said while laughing to Paige

~Chloes POV~

"Look who it is, its little Miss Abbys favorite, maybe you should kill yourself so Miss Abby can like me" I said to Maddie as she walked by my locker

I turned to Paige and start laughing

"Dance is going to be so much fun without Maddie, I can't wait!"

Paige giggled and we walked to class


I am so glad its Friday meaning no school tomorrow and we have a dance competition without Maddie. My mom arrived at school to pick me up and we drove to dance.

When we got there everyone was already in stretching

"Chloe, Abby wants you first, than Mackenzie, then the group" Gianna said

I got my shoes on and went in to practice my solo


My music stopped and I ended doing 5 turns and landing on the ground

"Good job Chloe, that was perfect, send Kenzie in please" Abby said

"Thank you Mrs Abby" I walked into the den and told Kenzie it's her turn and I sit and wait to go in for the group

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