Chapter 32

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~Chloe's POV~

I am so tired and wrecked, I don't want to deal with this any more, I walk into my bathroom and grab my razor, I cut three deep cuts in my wrist, it hurt so bad but it was worth it

"Chloe time for dinner!"

Great time for dinner, I put a bandaid over my cuts and went downstairs

"Chloe, we have a couple things to talk about"

I just rolled my eyes and listened

"Chloe are you okay, you haven't been yourself lately, you weren't excited when you got a solo, and you weren't dancing like you use too, what is up"

"Nothing is wrong mom"

"Then why are you down"

"I don't know!"

"Don't get angry Chloe, i'm just concerned about you"

"I'm fine!"

I continued to eat and once I was finished I went back up to my room

*Bleep* the sound of my phone, who would be texting me now

Josh~Can we talk? Please!

Why does he want to talk, I decided to text him back me at the park in 10..

I got up off my bed, put on some sweats and a hoodie and headed downstairs

"Chloe, honey where are you going"

"Um Paige needs help with her homework so I'm going to help her, I'll be back in a little"

"Okay be carefull"

I walked out the door and headed to the park

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