Chapter 12

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~Abby's POV~


"Chloe good job on your solo, your lucky I talked to the judges"

~Christi POV~

"Abby you bribed the judges to make Chloe win, because your favorite dancer danced behind your back!"

~Abby's POV~

I ignored Christi because I knew she was just going to pick a fight with me, so I walked out, I want to enjoy the rest of my weekend

~Chloe POV~

I was a little upset knowing Abby talked to the judges, to me that's no fair because Maddie could of beaten me and I would be second

*crying* "Mom..I wanna go home"

"Alright Chlo lets go"

We go onto the bus and waited to leave, I wanted to know if Maddie was coming back

(✨~Chloe 💫~Maddie)

✨~Hey Maddie it's Chloe, you probably don't want to talk to me right now but I just wanted to know if you will be there on Monday?

💫~Chloe..did you and Paige put tape on my shoes to make me fall?

✨~...yes, we only did it because you need to stop being number 1 and give another person a chance..

💫~Chloe how could you....don't bother texting me again, and no I'm not dancing at Abby's again, I can't tell you where I'm going now..

I didn't bother responding back I'm just happy she's gone

~Paige POV~

I gathered all my things and got on the bus and saw Chloe already sitting down, I walked towards the back and sat right next to her

"Why are you so happy Chloe?"

"Well first Maddie found out we tried to hurt her..."

"Are you serious!?"

"Yeah and she so said she's not coming back to Abby's and she's going somewhere else"


"I don't know she said it was a secret"

I was pretty relived that Maddie is facing somewhere else, but I don't really care we will get more opportunities without her

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