Chapter 9

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~Chloe POV~

I am so excited today because I get to perform my solo with out competing against Maddie. I walked on the buss and found Paige in the back

"Hey Chlo, you excited for today" she asked me

"Yes! Very"

As everyone was getting seated I put my headphones in and went to sleep

*5 hours later*

We are here in Dallas performing at In10sity dance and it is a big competition, I'm pretty nervous. We got into the green room and Miss Abby told me that my solo was first then Mackenzie, so I got my costume and my mom did my hair and makeup

~Maddie's POV~

I am really excited for today because I got a note saying I could dance, and nobody knows it except my mom.

"Maddie lets go to the bathroom" as she winked to me

I got up and grabbed my costume that was laying outside and we went to the bathroom

~Chloes POV~

"Chloe lets go your up next"

We walk back stage and Miss Abby gives me a pep talk

"Chloe, since Maddie can't dance i expect you to win. If you don't win you won't get another solo for a while, got it!?"

"Yes Miss Abby"

I felt a lot of preasure on me after Miss Abby saying that, I hope that doesn't effect my dancing

"Please welcome entry number 31, Chloe with My Turn To Shine"

I heard my name and i walked on stage, as my music started I did and ariel and conitued by ending in my last pose, everyone started clapping and I new I was going to win

~Maddie POV~

I walked back stage and hide from Chloe coming off stage

"Next we have entry number 32, Maddie with Cry"

I walked on stage and could see everyones mouth drop and I see Miss Abby walking out, i new i was in big trouble, but if I win Miss Abby will be glad because I got a win for The Abby Lee Dance Company

I stared my routine and I thought I nailed it even thought i have a sprained wrist, I walked off and saw Chloe give me a dirty look, i just shook it off and walked back to the green room....

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