Chapter 29

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~Judges POV~

"And your overall high scoring solo goes to act number 14, Nia with Just Dance"

~Nia POV~

Yay, I beat Maddie!!

"What studio are you from Nia"

"Abby Lee Dance Company"

"Congratulations Nia"

I ran back to the dressing room and got several different hugs from all the girls

"Nia!!! Come here"

I hear Miss Abby call me over and I can tell she has a smile on her face and she was proud of me

~Abby POV~

I am very proud of my soloist today, except for one

"Girls good job, didn't place"

"Abby don't start!"

"What Kelly, all I said was Paige you didn't place, I didn't say anything rude"

"No but you were going to"

"No I wasn't Kelly!"

"Whatever Abby"

I just rolled my eyes and kept quiet

~Melissa POV~

I wanted Maddie and Mackenzie to walk into the ALDC dressing room and tell the girls they did a great job, especially Nia, she beat Maddie

"Knock Knock....Hi Abby, we just wanted to come in and tell the girls good job"

"Melissa you have no right coming in, you were the one who left the team"

"I know Abby but Maddie just wanted to tell Nia good job"

"No Melissa get out of our dressing room"

"Holly, Maddie was surprised that Nia beat her"

"Melissa, Nia beat Maddie because she is a fantastic dancer and you went to a sucky teacher who can never win"

"Don't start with me Holly, girls lets go"

"Nia I just wanted to say good job"

"Um thanks Maddie"

We walked out with our heads held high and not let anything get to us

"You know what Maddie, if Miss Abby can't let us in her dressing room, she's moved on"

~Abby POV~

"All right girls lets pack up and head home"

I have good things planned for Nia next week I just hope she can keep up

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