Chapter 4

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~Christi POV~

I was very upset when all of our kids are on the bottom of the pyramid and then Maddie is always on the top. Let's say Abby has a favorite. Why can't she put all the attention to Maddie into the 6 other girls

"So Melissa, how do you feel about Abby favoring Maddie?"

"I don't think Abby favors at all" Melissa said

"Are you sure because I think Abby puts in a lot of attention just so she can win every time"

"Christi don't be jealous of a 12 year old"

"I'm not jealous of a 12 year old Melissa, why would you say that"

"Screw you Christi you talk about this subject all the time!"

I don't think Melissa understands the word "attention" because that's exactly what Abby does and she doesn't even pay attention to Mackenzie!

~Melissa POV~

I'm sick of all these moms especially Christi talking about my 12 year old daughter, I mean yeah she is an amazing dancer they just want there daughters to be just like Maddie!

~Chloe POV~

After the group routine everyone went into the dancers den and waited to go home

"Chloe, it's time for your solo" Gianna said

I walked into Studio B and started rehearsing my solo with Gianna

*2 hours later*

Finally it was time to go home, I was so tired, I got into the car a texted Paige about my plan

🌺=you really think your plan is going to work?

🌸=I hope so, I really want her to be out of the spotlight

🌺=alright I'll text you more tomorrow I am really tired

🌸=me too, night twinnie❤️

🌺=night Chlobird💙

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