Chapter 19

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~Abby POV~

I won't be surprised if Chloe and Christi walk through this door

"Girls lets go!"

Everyone wakes in except Chloe and Christi

"Where's Chloe?"

The girls all looked at each other confused

~Paige POV~

I'm surprised that Chloe isn't here, she won 1st last week but also got into a fight with Abby

~Abby POV~

"Alright then, bottom on the pyramid is Kendall, you placed 5th so your 5th on the pyramid"

~Kendall POV~

When Miss Abby reveled my picture as last on the pyramid I was a little upset because I though I did really well this weekend but I just have to work harder next time

~Abby POV~

"Next we have Nia, in the group dance you had partner work with Paige and you had to left her up out of a chair and you almost dropped her"

"Next we have Paige, you had sloppy feet and Nia almost dropped you.."

"Next we have Brooke, you were good in the group dance just save the tears for your pillow"


"Brooke let me put your head piece in" Kelly said

"Mom is won't go in..ow mom"

"Brooke stop crying"

"Brooke why the tears, suck it up your 16 years old" Abby said


"Next we have JoJo, you placed second...second is the first to lose"

~Christi POV~

I decided to let Chloe dance, but if Abby try's to pick a fight or call my daughter names we won't step back into this place again

"Chloe hurry and get your clothes on"

~Abby POV~

"On top we have Chloe"

I hear the door open and see Chloe walk in, all the girls scream and run to her

"Chloe you showed up..."

"Yes I did"

"Chloe you are on top because you beat Maddie surprisingly and your mother better keep her mouth shut"

I see out of the corner of my eye Christi rolling her eyes, why did you come back Christi why?

"We aren't performing a group dance this week, we have 3 solos and a duet"

"Nia you have a solo, it's a Hip Hop routine titles 'Just Dance"

"My next solo is going to Paige, you have a contemporary routine titled 'You don't know me"

"My last solo is going to Kendall, you better redeem yourself, you have a tap solo titles 'Bang Bang"

"My Duet is going to JoJo and Brooke, it's an acro routine titles 'Stretch' JoJo you aren't really good at acro but you have to try...alright let's start stretching, Christi and Chloe can I speak to you"

I walk out into the hallway and speak to Chloe and Christi alone

"Chloe I didn't announce you doing a solo this week but I know Maddie is doing one and I want to keep your solo secret so Maddie doesn't know"

"But why do we need to keep it a secret"

"Chloe Maddie almost beat you Saturday so maybe if she doesn't know ou have one she will be nervous this weekend"


"Your solo is Lyrical titled 'See You Again"

"Thank you Miss Abby"

"Go in and stretch"

"Christi I don't want any fighting this week, got it?!"

I waked back in to studio A and started with the duet

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