Chapter 22

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~Maddie POV~

"Mad time to wake up its your first day at your new school"

I totally forgot that I had to go to school, but why would she say new school, I was not in the mood to look nice I put on leggings and a CADC crop top and wore my combat boots with my hair in a bun

"Mom I'm going to a new school?"

"No honey sorry I must of mixed my words up"

Great now I have to face everyone even Chloe today, it's going to be a long day

"Have a good day Mad"

"I'll try"

I walked threw the big glass doors and went to my locker hoping not to see anyone I know today

~Chloe POV~

"Have a good day Chlo"

I got out of the car and walked inside meeting Paige at our lockers

"Hey Paigemack"

"Hey Chlo"

"Did you hear Maddie was coming back to school"

"Yeah Mackenzie was texting me last night saying the schools there aren't good enough for them"


I see Maddie walk by

"Look who decided to show up"

Paige and I laughed while she walked by, I knew this year would be fun

"Let's go to English"

"Alright Paige"

I grabbed my textbooks and headed to English

"Chloe look there's Josh"

*Josh isn't apart of Paige's family*

"He's so cute"

"Chloe go talk to him"

I walked up to Josh and introduced myself

"Is this seat taken"

"No not at all"

He said with a smile, he had bright blue eyes with dirty blonde hair

"I'm Chloe"

"Hi Chloe I'm Josh"

I could feel myself blush

~Josh POV~

I see this blonde haired girl with big brown eyes walking towards me knowing she was going to talk to me

"I'm Chloe"

Chloe, what a beautiful name

"Hi Chloe I'm Josh"

I could see her blush and I knew she liked me and I knew I liked her too

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