Chapter 34

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*The next morning*

~Maddie POV~

Today was the day I asked Josh out, I knew he would never get a chance after Chloe saw him kissing me so hopefully he will say yes

I dress pretty cute with my hair in tight curls and my make up done professionally I was ready

"Mad lets go"

"Coming!" I shouted from upstairs

I grabbed my phone and text Josh


Hm no response, maybe he's driving to school

I got to school and I was so excited I couldn't stop smiling, I walked to my locker and waited

I waited and waited until I see a blonde boy with bright blue eyes walking towards me holding hands with a tall blonde was Chloe!

"Um hey Josh?" I asked concern

He didn't say anything back he kept walking holding Chloe's hand, I thought she hated him, UGH!

"Um Chloe can I talk to you?" I said as I walked by her

"Um sure, I'll see you at lunch Josh" Chloe said while kissing his check

"What the hell was that?" I asked mad

"What, that Josh and I are dating" she said smiling

"I though you hated him"

"Not anymore, Josh told me the truth...that you kissed him first...Maddie how could you do that to me"

"Chloe it's not easy being you"

"Maddie you don't have to be like me, you are a great dancer and don't change that"

I felt something break inside of me, oh yeah that's my heart

"Chloe I am so sorry...can we still be friends?"

There was a couple minutes of silence



"No, we can't be friends, after everything you've done to me, I'm sorry Maddie but no"

She turned and walked away leaving me alone in the halls

Fine if Chloe wants that then I'll still give her hell, and I'm going to start with breaking her and Josh up😈

I grabbed my English book and walked to class with an evil smirk on my face

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