Chapter 7

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~Abby's POV~

When I was watching Maddie dance I saw that she wasn't her usual self, she kept falling out of her leaps and when she started her turns she slipped

"AHHH!" The sound of Maddie screaming

"Maddie are you alright!?"

"I don't know I feel a sharp pain in my arm" she said

I motioned Melissa down to get her

"Abby I'm taking Maddie to the ER" Melissa said worried

I shook my head and watched as Maddie was carried out, I decided to rehearse the group routine without Maddie just in case she couldn't dance

"Girls get in here"

~Chloe's POV~

I heard Miss Abby scream for us knowing it was time for our group dance. We all walked in and saw no sign of Maddie, I looked at Paige and started smiling, our plan worked!

~Abby's POV~

"Alright girls Maddie had to be rushed to the ER"

All the girls gasped

"I don't know how but her shoes had tape all over them, I don't know who put it there but we are just going to forget about it and move on....alright positions!"

~Kendall's POV~

I thought it was funny when Abby said Maddie was rushed to the hospital because she slipped, that means she won't be the lead and someone with be...I'm pretty sure I'll be the lead!

~Nia POV~

I felt bad for Maddie because she hurt herself and she probably won't be able to attend this weekend and I maybe Mrs Abby will give me her solo!

~Chloe POV~

Dance was finally over and we were driving home I decided to text Maddie to see if she was okay and if my plan worked

(☀️-Chloe 🔮Maddie)

☀️~Hey Mads I just wanted to know if you were okay

🔮~I sprained my wrist and so I can't dance this week, thanks for checking in on me

☀️~I was checking in on you, I'm glad your hurt that means it will be my turn to be Abby's favorite and not you

🔮~Chloe I thought we were friends...

I never responded, I didn't want to waist my time and talk to that worthless person. I decide to text Paige about it

🌸~Hey Paige guess what!?


🌸~Maddie sprained her wrist meaning she can't dance this week!

🌺~That is great!

🌸~I have to go do homework I'll text you later

🌺~Bye Chlobird!

I decided not to do my homework and do it later and I started a group message with every girl except Maddie

(☀️~Chloe 🌺~Paige 🍄~Kendall 🍪~Nia 👑~Brooke ✨~Mackenzie)

☀️~Hey guys I wanted to talk to you about Maddie, she sprained her wrist so she can't dance this week


👑~Finally she's out!

🍪~Now it's our chance to shine!

✨~I hate helping her at home!

🌺~We all need to be rude to her for now on because she is taking our chance to shine and to win!

ALL~I agree!

☀️~Everyone don't make any contact with Maddie till her life is miserable!


☀️~All right I'm going to bed! Night guys❤️


🍪~Night see you guys tomorrow❤️



👑~Night children❤️

With that I got into bed and fell asleep

~Maddie's POV~

When I got home from the hospital I went into the kitchen to get something to eat, I couldn't carry anything with my wrist and so I asked Mackenzie for help

"Kenz will you help me please?"

I got no response just giggling

Mackenzie will you help me?"

No response again, I walked over to Mackenzie to see what was so funny

"Mackenzie will you please come help me!?"

"No I'm busy"

After that response I wanted to know who is keeping her so busy instead of helping me

"Kenz who you texting?"

"None of your business!"

With that she walked away

What was her probably, maybe she will be in a better mood tomorrow, with that I walked up to my room and texted Brooke

(🔮~Maddie 👑~Brooke)

🔮~Hey Brookie!

*10 minutes later*

I checked my phone to see if I got any new texts but I got nothing, why didn't Brooke text me back she always texts me back, it's only 7:30 there is no way she is in bed...oh well!

I checked my phone again and see 6 new comments on Instagram

|Ew Maddie is so ugly and horrible at dance|

That's just one comment I thought, haters gonna hate, I checked the rest

|Maddie should go kill her self|

|Maddie is a horrible dancer, she can't even leap because she's so fat!|

Tears started forming in my eyes, I ran up to my room and though why would people say things like that? I couldn't stop crying so I cried myself to sleep.

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