Chapter 24

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~Maddie POV~

I'm so happy it's Friday, I am done with school right now I don't want to go back on Monday

"Hey Mad, how was school"


I began to cry because I am hurt so bad

"What's wrong honey"


I said sobbing into my moms shoulder

"Sweetie it's okay, if he doesn't like you then he's a jerk, you just need to wait for that perfect guy"


"Maddie don't cry over a boy, you need to focus about this weekend...okay?"


I walk up stairs and lay on my bed and cry even more

~Chloe POV~

"Thanks for walking me home Josh"

"No problem"

Next thing I know is I get a light peck on my cheek

"What was that for" I said with a smile

"I really like you Chloe"

"I really like you too Josh"

"Well I better get home, text me later"


"Night Chlo"

"Night Josh"

I walked threw my front door and slid down to the floor, I can't believe Josh kissed me

"Who was that"

"Clara! What did I say about scaring me like that"

"Who's the boy"

"He's a friend from school"

"Oh really?"

"Clara don't tell mom or dad please"

She walked away with a smirk on her face, great I'm going to get in trouble

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