Chapter 2

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Vampires. Everyone's heard of them right? You know the usual travels by night killing humans for food. Well-


"What the hell is the problem?" Keishin Ukai looked around the large table at the thirteen males with him. "They should be finding their fated mates by now." He grumbled. "Keishin please calm down." Ittetsu Takeda whispered rubbing his arm. Keishin sighed and wrapped his arm around Ittetsu. Usually when a vampire reaches the age of 220(or 21 to 22 in human years) their senses develop in a way to help them find their destined mates. How this works is the scent of their mates blood becomes very distinct and has a certain scent that is pleasant to said vampire. While many people might have the same blood type only the vampires mate has the distinct scent that only the vampire can smell. And Keishin was beginning to worry if the young princes would ever find their mates. "Maybe they're just late bloomers like Ittetsu." Ittetsu looked at the young males who all looked bored out of their minds. "I don't really see the point in it honestly." Prince Kageyama piped. "For once I agree with him." Prince Tsukishima said grinning at Kageyama. Kageyama glared at Tsukishima but he stayed quiet. "Seriously what's the point of finding our mates? We're still so young." Prince Kuroo said as he flipped through his chemistry book. "Exactly plus every other vampire kingdom we've had visit or visited has been a dead end." Prince Daichi added.

Keishin sighed and looked at the males. "Well if your mates aren't here.......then maybe you need a different scene to look for them." The males looked at him with a raised brow. "What does that mean?" Prince Asahi asked. "It means you'll be going to the human realm. Since that's where Ittetsu and I met." Keishin told him as his grip on his mate tightened. "And I expect you to not only blend in but protect Ittetsu at all costs." He said in a sharp tone. "Kei-Keishin." Ittetsu stuttered out his face turning pink. "We'll do our best." Prince Tanaka smiled. "Good." Keishin smiled. "Since you're all in your twenties or you would be in the human world you'll be attending the university I teach at in Tokyo." Ittetsu told them. "Sounds good." Prince Bokuto smiled. While they were all Royalty they were not in any way rude or entitled. That's not how Keishin taught them. The thirteen princes were taught to be respectful to anyone of any status. But that doesn't mean they don't have their own attitudes and tempers. "I still don't see the point." Prince Iwaizumi told them. "Awww come on Hajime. Don't you wanna find your mate?" Prince Lev asked. "I mean we couldn't do it here so what makes you think this will be any different?" He asked. "I mean at least we get to be normal guys where we're headed." Prince Semi told them. "Yay another realm full of germs." Prince Sakusa rolled his eyes.

"Damn I feel bad for your mates." Bokuto chuckled. Prince Ushijima and Prince Aone rolled their eyes as red light shined through the window. "Ah would ya look at that. The blood moon is out." Keishin chuckled. "Why don't we go for a fly?" He turned to the princes. The males looked at him and smiled as a way of saying yes. While most people assume vampires turn into small bars you're only half right. Vampires can become bats but they can also only partially become a bat. What that means is they have large bat wings and bat like hearing. "Okay then try to catch up you brats." Keishin chuckled as the sound of crackling bones was heard and bat wings appeared in the males backs and their shirts fell to the floor. "Be safe alright." Ittetsu said as he picked up the clothes. Keishin smiled and quickly kissed his mate. "Hmm I love you too Keishin." Ittetsu smiled kissing Keishin's cheek. The other thirteen vampires looked away embarrassed at the adults being all lovey dovey. The males flew away high in the sky. From the ground it was a beautiful sight to see. They all looked so majestic and graceful flying high in the sky.

"Hahaha" the sound of happy laughter filled the prince's ears. They looked down but no one was beneath them. "Huh that was weird." Aone muttered. "Hahahaha stop it" the sound filled their ears again. It sounded like someone laughing and telling someone to stop. "Hey you guys okay?" Keishin asked. "Yep." They told him. "Hahahahaha" the laughter was heard again and this time one of the princes spoke up. "Umm hey Ukai?" Asahi asked. "Hmm?" Keishin hummed. "Apart from a fated scent are there other factors about our mates?" Asahi asked. "Hmmm well usually something a vampire can hear is their mates happiness. That's what I heard when I first went to the human realm and met Ittetsu." Ukai answered. "So even if they're not here we can still hear when they're happy?" Keishin nodded. "Most of the time it's something like them laughing or cheering about something. In my case I heard Ittetsu cheering about passing a test for a hard class he was in." Keishin answered.

"So we do have mates. Question is, where are they?"

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