Chapter 17

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Royal Vampire Palace


Carefully walking down the cold steps, the mortals edged closer and closer to the lower chambers of the palace. They saw a guard standing by the main entrance waiting for them. Gulping down their nerves they walked towards the guard who opened the door which revealed the fifteen doors. "Okay okay." Oikawa lightly tapped on his chest to calm himself down. Above the doors their mates names were written in neat handwriting. Now or never I guess. The mortals went to the doors with their mates names above them and gently placed their hands on the handles.


Akagi's POV

I carefully opened the door and poked my head in. I fiddled with the bottom of my shirt as I slowly crept inside. The room was pretty dark and there was a chair set up in the middle of the room which I guessed was for me or Motoya to sit on. My eyes drifted to the right where I saw a huge black coffin resting on a stand. "Oh. My. God." I mumbled. When I turned around the door had already slammed shut. "Hello Michinari." I gulped and turned to face my mate. Motoya was sitting in the chair looking at me with a kind smile and soft eyes from what the moon allowed me to see. "Hey Toya." I whispered. He patted his lap and I slowly walked over and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my small frame and kissed the base of my neck. "You have no idea how slow this week went by Michi." He whispered sending shivers up my spine. "Well it's finally the end of the week." I whispered. He chuckled. "So I'm guessing you already know what's going to happen." I slowly nodded. "I promise I'll be as gentle as I can." He whispered. He brought his nail up to his right arm and dragged it down, breaking through the skin. Once some of his blood dripped onto his nail he looked at me. "Tongue." I opened my mouth holding out my tongue. He drew a line of blood down my tongue and whispered "swallow" which I did. I shivered at the metallic taste in my mouth but Motoya rubbed my waist whispering reassurances in my ear. Knowing what I had to do next I tilted my head a little exposing my neck. I slowly dragged my sharpened nail down the skin of my neck and felt it opening. I looked over at Motoya who already had his tongue out. I lifted my nail to his tongue and drew a line of blood down the center. Once he swallowed he pulled me a bit closer and started drinking my blood from my wound. I shivered as my hand buried itself in his hair. My vision started getting blurry as the world around me started spinning. "I love you Michi. My beloved mate....mine.......mine"


Futakuchi's POV

I very quietly opened the door to Aone's room and tiptoed inside. The first thing that caught my eye was the huge coffin on the right side of the room which was a bit unsettling but I brushed it off. My eyes wandered around the room until I spotted a chair in the middle of the room and seated in it was Aone. "Hey Nobu." I smiled and walked over to him. He nodded at me which I knew meant he was saying hello. I placed myself on his lap already knowing what was going to happen. He wrapped his arms around my slender torso and hugged me. They never mentioned this about the ritual. Then I remembered something Ittetsu had told us. "Usually to help with nerves vampires try to comfort their mates before doing anything." I guess that's what he's trying to do. I put my arms around his neck hugging him back. "Do you feel comfortable Kenji?" He whispered. He rarely ever spoke but when he did his cool calming voice sent chills up my back. I nodded silently as he sliced into the soft skin of his neck with his nail. I opened my mouth and held out my tongue letting him draw a line of blood down the center. I swallowed it feeling chills race through my body. I slowly brought my nail up to my neck and cut through my skin. I felt the blood drip onto my nail and I drew a line of my blood down the center of Aone's tongue. He swallowed the blood before bringing my neck closer to his mouth. He started drinking the blood from my wound and I started feeling dizzy. I rested my cheek against his head mentally counting to ten. "Rest need to rest"


Atsumu's POV

Quietly, I opened the door to Omi's room. It was obviously neat given he had a thing for keeping things clean and organized. I shivered as the door shut behind me and I walked to the center of the room. Placed in the middle of the room was a chair revealed by the light shining through the window. "O-Omi?" I called out. "Hello Atsumu." I flinched and whirled around to see Omi standing behind me. "Hey Omi." I whispered as he sat himself in the chair. "I took a shower...twice." I whispered before seating myself on his lap. "Thank you Atsumu." He whispered. I gulped as Omi rubbed my waist trying to help me relax. It did feel good to have the reassurance he wouldn't hurt me but it still didn't completely calm me down. Omi sliced into his neck letting the blood drip onto his nail. I opened my mouth sticking my tongue out. He drew a line of blood down the center of my tongue which I swallowed. Feeling my nerves creeping up on me I quickly sliced into my own neck and drew a line of blood down the center of Omi's tongue. He swallowed it silently before drinking the blood from my wound. I kept my arms around him keeping myself anchored to reality. He rubbed small circles on my waist trying to keep me calm and comfortable. "It's all okay Tsumu."


Shirabu's POV

I quietly entered Semi's room keeping my footsteps as quiet as I could manage. I tried not to jump as the door closed behind me and I began observing the room. "Kenjiro." I shivered at the sound of Semi's cool voice. Damnit I hate that he makes me all flustered. I spotted Semi sitting in a chair in the middle of the room patting his lap. I walked over to him and placed myself on his lap crossing my arms. "Hmmmmm I missed you Kenjiro." He whispered against my neck. I shivered at the feeling as he ran one of his hands through my hair and placed the other on my waist. "Ittetsu already explained the ritual right?" I nodded as Semi pulled away to look at me. "Good." He lifted his nail and dragged it down the skin of his neck. The skin broke letting blood fall onto his nail. I opened my mouth sticking my tongue out. He chuckled and drew a line of blood down the center of my tongue. I swallowed it quickly trying to ignore the feeling of squirming in my stomach. I know I shouldn't be all squirmy because as a medical major I should be fine with blood. However, I hate the feeling of blood in my mouth whether it be from brushing my gums too hard or biting the inside of my cheek the taste of blood was just unsettling to me. Semi noticed my discomfort and kissed my neck. "You're doing great Kenjiro. Just take your time." I slowly inhaled and sliced the skin of my neck. I felt the blood drip onto my nail and I slowly drew a line of my blood down the center of Semi's tongue. He swallowed it before drinking the blood from my wound. I closed my eyes wrapping my arms around Semi feeling lightheaded. "It's okay're safe with me."

[Oh damn that was fun to write. Soooooooo I might be online a lot today sooooooo y'all PLEASE suggested songs or couples for my ChatFic because inspiration is just burning out today. Let me know which couples should be next for this story. Fun fact I'm currently writing this in the middle of s thunderstorm. Idk why sometimes thunder storms inspire me to write. BYEE]

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