Chapter 4

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"Wait what?" Daichi asked. "You're saying you met your mates?" Tanaka asked. "Mhm." Tsukishima hummed smiling. He remembered how adorable his nervous flustered freckled mate was. His face was flushed from embarrassment making him look like a cute little strawberry. Kageyama was huffing feeling annoyed he didn't figure out his mates name. He looked like a hyper little tangerine. Kageyama remembered the bright smile on his mates face and his cute laugh before he ran in the other direction. Asahi thought back to the small two toned haired male. He was so small. If I tried to hug him I'd break him. The three sighed smiling. "Welp lucky you." Daichi smiled. "What scent did they have?" Tanaka asked with a raised brow. The three went to answer but a quick look at the clock showed they were about to be late. "Shit uhhh we'll tell you later." Kageyama said and ran down the hall. The others bolted off to find their lectures.


Gahh I can't get his scent out of my head. Tsukishima had slowed to a walk after a while of running. Looks like a strawberry and smells like a strawberry too. To Tsukishima Tadashi smelled like strawberries which was a very pleasant scent to him. Tsukishima continued walking down the hall when his stomach started growling. Seriously. Tsukishima sighed annoyed. While vampires did required blood to stay alive they could eat normal food but that only helped for so long. Tsukishima reached into his bag and grabbed a bag of chips. He started eating them when the familiar scent reached his senses. Tsukishima looked up and saw the same green haired freckled male walking down the hall. Guess his lecture is in this hall as well. Tsukishima walked down the hall towards his lecture and when he got there he found a seat somewhere in the middle row. I wonder when I'll see him again. 


He was so small. If I tried holding him I might break him. Asahi walked down the hall towards his lecture remembering his short hyperactive mate. The scent of hazelnut became quite familiar as he walked down the hall to his lecture. A small energetic ball of energy. Asahi smiled as he finally got to his lecture.


As Kageyama sat in his lecture he kept zoning off into space thinking about his mate. He remembered the scent of tangerine very clearly and it certainly fit his small ginger haired mate. He's got so much energy he might even be faster than me. Kageyama shut his eyes remembering his mates adorable little laugh. "hahahaha" Kageyama opened his eyes as laughter filled his ears. That happy laugh from the other night. It was his.


"Hey guys." Futakuchi waved as Hinata Nishinoya and Tadashi walked over to their group of friends. "How were your first lectures?" Ennoshita asked Hinata and Tadashi. "Pretty chill actually." Tadashi chuckled. The group started walking and talking with each other when the whispers of other people caught their attention. "So they're really here?" "Yeah I heard they're from out of town." "Seems everyone is talking about the new guys." Suga chuckled. "Oh yeah I think we might've run in to them earlier." Nishinoya said. "What for real?" Tendou asked. "Yeah." Tadashi nodded. The three told their friends about what had happened and after that the conversation drifted back to their lectures.

Why did they seem familiar?

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