Chapter 19

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[omg thank you guys for being patient I'm so sorry for the wait]

Royal Vampire Palace


Nishinoya's POV

I felt cold sweat on the back of my neck as I walked to the door with Asahi's name above it. Damnit stop shaking! I was screaming that same sentence in my head over and over again as I shut the door behind me. "Holy shit it's dark in here." I mumbled. "Well that's kind of the point." I jumped at the sound of Asahi's voice. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Asahi said softly. I looked down at my feet fiddling with the bottom of my over sized t shirt. "Yuu please come sit down." I nodded and walked over to him sitting on his lap. He gently put his arm around my waist holding me close. "You have nothing to be afraid of Yuu." He whispered. Gulping past the lump in my throat, I nod signalling I'm good to go. Asahi nodded back the sliced the side of his neck with his nail. I opened my mouth and held out my tongue squeezing my eyes shut. I felt the metallic taste of Asahi's blood on my tongue and once the pressure of his nail left my tongue I closed my mouth and swallowed the blood. I shivered at the metallic taste but I didn't speak. Still keeping my eyes shut I sliced the side of my neck with my nail and felt the warmth of my blood dripping onto my finger. I lifted my hand up and felt Asahi's tongue on the tip of my finger. I drew a line of blood down the center of his tongue which he swallowed. I felt his lips on my neck as he started drinking blood from my wound. Okay okay calm down. Just try to keep calm. My vision started getting fuzzy and I felt cold sweat on my back. "It's all okay Yuu. I've got you."


Yamaguchi's POV

"Tsukki?" I called out as I opened the door. My hands were sweating so I wiped them on my shirt. I walked into Tsukki's "guest room" and nervously looked around for him. "Hello Tadashi." I flinched hearing Tsukki's voice. I turned to face Tsukki who was standing by a huge black coffin. "Uhhh umm." Tsukki walked over to me and put his arm around my waist. "Nervous I see." I gulped and nodded. Tsukishima sighed and led me over to a chair in the middle of the room and sat down pulling me into his lap. "You've got nothing to be afraid of Tadashi." He whispered. I shivered at his voice and nodded. He rubbed my waist trying to help me relax. I sighed and relaxed my muscles. Knowing what to expect, I opened my mouth sticking out my tongue. I felt the dull pressure of his nail on my tongue and I shivered at the metallic taste in my mouth. Once the pressure left my tongue I swallowed the blood and felt goosebumps all over my skin. Cmon Tadashi you're half way done. I cut the side of my neck quickly and felt blood pool on my neck. I looked up at Tsukki who nodded at me to continue. I lifted my hand up to his mouth and drew a line of blood down the center of his tongue. Once he swallowed the blood I felt him drinking the blood from my wound. I felt cold sweat beading on my face as the feeing of light headedness settle. "You did great Tadashi. Now get some rest. Let me take care of you."

[OKAY JUST HOPPING HERE TO SAY THIS IS THE OLD VERSION! From this point on this version is discontinued. I am writing a new version with the same characters and plot so if you wanna see the story rewritten with hopefully better writing then pls check out the other story titled "Royal Blood". The new version has a photo of Kuroo as the cover and trust me the writing is better. Thank you guys for all the love on this version and I really hope you like the new version if you decide to check it out!]

[last little thing. If you wanna see sneak peaks of all my stories then check out my discord server. I'm working on being more active on there and if you're in the server then you'll get to see sneak peaks of my stories and even stories that aren't released. So if ya wanna see that the link is in my message board and below. BYEE 💛💛💛]

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