Chapter 18

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Royal Vampire Palace



Oikawa's POV

I placed a shaking hand on the door handle slowly opening the door to Iwa's room. I slowly walked in feeling cold sweat form on my neck. My eyes looked around the room which was lit by the moonlight coming from the window. I could make out the silhouette of a chair in the middle of the room and a huge coffin placed in the corner of the room. The door behind me shut making me jump out of my skin. "Hey Kawa." I jumped again and turned to see Iwa sitting in the chair. "Oh hey Iwa." I smiled to hide my nerves. I walked over to him and sat on his lap as he hugged my waist. "You know you have nothing to be afraid of right?" I sighed. "Yeah I know but I'm still nervous about this whole.......being a royals mate thing." I admitted. I heard him sigh as he lightly rubbed my waist. "Tooru you have nothing to be nervous about." He whispered. I gulped down my nerves as Iwa dragged his nail down the skin of his neck. The dark red liquid fell onto his nail and I slowly opened my mouth sticking out my tongue. I felt the metallic taste on my tongue as Iwa drew a line of his blood down the center of my tongue. The pressure of his nail left my tongue so I swallowed the blood. I shivered feeling goosebumps all over my arms. I let out a long sigh as I dragged my sharpened nail down the side of my neck feeling the skin opening. I felt the blood drip onto my nail and down my neck. I lifted my hand towards Iwa's mouth and drew a line of my blood down the center of his tongue. He swallowed it before pulling me closer and drinking the blood from my wound. My vision started getting hazy as my eyelids felt heavier and heavier. "It's alright're safe here with me."


Tendou's POV

Damn this place is dark. I slowly walked into Ushijima's room feeling cold sweat on my back and neck. Damnit is it normal to be this nervous? The door shut behind me as goosebumps rose on my arms. I felt something brush past me as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. "Hello Satori." I shivered at the sound of Ushijima's cool smooth voice. I looked up and saw his silhouette standing in the middle of the room. "Hey UshiWaka." I smiled but inside my nerves were bouncing all around in my stomach. He motioned for me to come closer to him so I walked over to him and sat down in his lap. "I've missed you Satori." I shivered feeling his breath against the skin of my neck. Gah calm down damnit! "Satori relax. You're tense all over." I sighed and relaxed my muscles. "I know you're nervous Satori but I can assure you I will not harm you." I gulped as Ushijima cut into the skin of his neck with his nail. The skin broke allowing his blood to drip onto his nail. I opened my mouth a stuck my tongue out letting him draw a line of blood down the center of my tongue. I shut my mouth and swallowed the blood shivering at the metallic taste on my tongue. Once I calmed myself down I dragged my sharpened nail down the skin of my neck slicing the skin. Once I felt blood dripping onto my nail I looked up at Ushijima who nodded and held his tongue out. I drew a line of blood down the center of his tongue which he then swallowed. He pulled me closer and drank the blood from my cut. I started feeling dizzy and lightheaded, like I'd been running in the sun for too long. My eyelids felt heavier as my vision started getting blurry. "Rest Satori..........I'll be here when you wake up"

Sooooooo yes. After a very long time I finally updated this. Let me know which couples you want me to write next

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