Chapter 13

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Yuyami Central

"Wow this place is so cool." Hinata looked in awe of the split sky. The vampire descendants were showing their mates around the vampire realm and they were currently in Yuyami Central which was known for its beautiful sky and scenery. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Daichi smiled.

"Oh my it's the vampire descendants." Some of the city folk bowed before the royals. The vampires sighed and led their mates into the city. The sky seemed to have a permanent orange hue to the sky with deep pink clouds floating overhead. "The cities are really big so best stick with us so you don't get lost." Semi told them. The vampires led their mates through Yuyami and smiled seeing the look of wonder written on their mates faces. "This place is beautiful." Tadashi smiled.

"Ugh what's that smell?" A voice piped. It was a passer by who happened to pick up Akaashi's scent. Since Bokuto was the only one who could smell Akaashi's scent, to other vampires he reeked of human scent. "Ugh smells like a disgusting human." Another male grumbled. Akaashi looked down at his feet as Bokuto wrapped his arm around his waist. The two men looked in the direction of Akaashi and laughed. "Guess that's why it reeks of human." One of them laughed. Akaashi sighed but Bokuto looked furious. "Excuse me do you have something to say to my mate?" The two men froze. "Mhm that's what I thought." Bokuto growled leading Akaashi away from them.


"Uhhhh why are they staring at us?" Akagi mumbled to Komori. "They know we're royalty and I guess they're curious about you guys." He whispered back. Akagi looked around and saw some of the vampires licking their lips while staring at him. Komori put his arm around his mate and held him close glaring at the vampires. "Don't worry you have the royal mark. They won't harm you." He whispered against Akagi's forehead. Akagi slowly nodded as the group left Yuyami. "So should we head to another city or you think we can save the others for another time?" Tanaka asked. "I think we should head home for today." Komori told him. "Yeah I agree." Asahi nodded. The royals led them to the bullet train and they were awestruck when they saw how fast it was. Since Yuyami was the closest city to the palace they just walked there so seeing the realms mode of transportation was quite surprising.

"Come on." Kageyama grabbed Hinata's hand and pulled him in the train and the others soon followed. Once they were all on the train the doors closed and the train sped off. "Holy fuck." Yaku mumbled after he almost fell due to the speed of the train.


"Welcome home." Shibayama bowed when the vampires entered the palace with their mates. "Yuuki you don't need to bow remember." Kuroo smiled. "Ah right sorry. Anyway ummm Ukai wants to speak to you." The vampires nodded and quickly hugged their mates before they left to talk to Ukai.

"So they didn't show up here on accident?" "No. We believe someone brought them here with ill intentions"

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