Chapter 15

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No one's POV

"Wait what why?" Oikawa asked, extremely confused. Ittetsu stood up and began explaining. "During the week leading up to the ritual it's tradition that the royals aren't allowed to see their mates." He explained. "Okay and why is that?" Shirabu asked, crossing his arms. "During the time you're not with them you'll learn about vampires and what will happen during the ritual." He added. "Also, it's tradition that they don't drink anymore of your blood until the first night of the ritual." Ukai added. "But they've already-" "I know and now they can't feed on your blood anymore until Friday." The mortals nodded as the royals quickly hugged their mates. "Wait if we're gonna be isolated from them where are we gonna sleep?" Atsumu asked. "You'll still be in your mates rooms however they will be sleeping in a do I put this?" Ittetsu started. "They'll be in the guest rooms downstairs." Ukai told them. "Gotcha." Atsumu nodded. "Uhhh are there any rules we have to follow?" Suga asked. "Well we recommend you stay in the palace this week. You aren't allowed in the guest rooms until Friday night. Until then Ittetsu will teach you everything you need to know." Ukai explained. "Please follow us your majesties." One of the guards told the royals. They all sighed and hugged their mates one last time before leaving the room. Is that what those doors down stairs were? "Come with me." Ittetsu smiled and motioned for the mortals to follow him. They all followed him to the same room where he'd explained where they were. "Soooooo." Akagi rubbed the back of his neck.

Ittetsu chuckled and looked at all of them. "If you want to ask me about something you can." The mortals relaxed a bit. "Okay well......are the other going to be okay without blood?" Suga asked. "Of course. They can eat regular human food." Ittetsu answered. "Okay well.....what happens on Friday?" Futakuchi asked. "That's the first night of the ritual. That's the night when they form an eternal bond with you." Through our damn blood? "What are they going to be doing all week?" Tendou asked. "Sadly I can't tell you what they're doing down there for the week." Tendou tilted his head confused. "You said Friday was the first night of the ritual. How many nights are there?" Ennoshita asked. "The ritual has two main parts to it. But there is a lot of prep done for both nights." Ittetsu answered. "What's going to happen to us?" Yachi finally asked. Ittetsu sighed. "Well obviously there's blood involved in this ritual but other than that...." Ittetsu paused. "What?" Hinata asked. "I can't guarantee that it will happen but there is a might-"


"Ugh this is the worst part of the ritual." Kuroo groaned. "Mmmmmmm I just wanna see Akaashi." Bokuto whined. "Come on guys you know this is just part of-" "The ancient vampire traditions." The other cut Daichi off. "At least we can still talk to each other." Lev said trying to be optimistic. "True I mean part of this whole thing is for us to get closer as soon to be rulers." Tanaka sighed. The royals were in the same room with fifteen doors along the wall that Futakuchi had seen. "Since we've all met our mates why don't we each say a personality characteristic and physical characteristic we like about our mates?" Kiyoko suggested. "That actually sounds like fun." Semi chuckled. "Yeah let's do it." Bokuto smiled. "Well any volunteers?" Kiyoko asked. "Me." Kageyama piped. "I like that Hinata has a lot of energy." Daichi looked at him with a raised brow. "Really?" Kageyama nodded. "I just never get bored with him and he's always got something to say." He chuckled. "Okay well what about a physical characteristic?" Kiyoko asked. "I like his fluffy orange hair." Kageyama answered. Tsukishima laughed as Kageyama rolled his eyes. "It's basically a fluffy pillow." The others chuckled remembering Kageyama resting his head on top of Hinata's multiple times.

"Tsukishima what about you?" Kiyoko asked. "I like how easy it is to talk to Tadashi. He's patient and calm so I can easily talk to him." Tsukishima smiled. "Too bad vampires don't show up on camera cause damn I'd love to take a pic of how stupid your face looks right now." Kageyama laughed. Tsukishima ignored him and continued. "As for physical characteristics I think I'd have to say his blushing face." Tsukishima smiled. "Cause he looks like a strawberry?" Tsukishima rolled his eyes at Kuroo's comment. "Okay what about you rooster?" Tsukishima asked. "Well if I'm being honest I like how observant Kenma is. Even if it looks like he's not paying attention I can tell he's listening to me." Kuroo smiled. "As for physical characteristics I'd say one, his pudding head, but also his catlike habits." The others looked confused. "Well ever since I met him he's always had this weird cat like personality. Whenever he's sleepy he'll curl up next to me or on my lap and just sleep. He hid behind me back in the human realm whenever someone made him uncomfortable." Kuroo smiled. "What about you Kiyoko?" Tanaka asked. "Yachi's curiosity is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Remember when we'd visit other kingdoms and they'd ask me if I was a virgin or if I was kinky?" The guys nodded. "Yachi doesn't ask stuff like that. She's genuinely curious whenever she asks me about something and it's the most wholesome thing ever." Kiyoko smiled. "Yeah it is pretty refreshing to not deal with possible mates trying to fling themselves into us." Komori chuckled.

"As far as physical traits, I'd have to say her soft skin. Whenever I hug her I feel like I'm hugging a cloud." Kiyoko smiled. "I'm kinda curious about you Aone." Asahi piped. "Well Kenji is the snarkiest but also one of the most understanding people I've met." Aone started. "He can be extremely blunt, sarcastic and rude to people but that's only if they give him a reason." The others nodded. "But if he notices his remarks are making someone uncomfortable he'll apologize and try to change the topic." Aone smiled. "Remember when he told off that bastard who insulted Aran?" Tanaka smiled. They'd met Aran through Shirabu since he was his friend Kita's boyfriend. They were all hanging out together when someone passing by said "watch out he might pull a gun on you" while gesturing to Aran. Aran usually let that stuff roll off his back but Futakuchi wasn't having it. He got up and went off on the guy who said that and needless to say the guy never messed with them again. "Yeah he might be a dick but he's a good guy." Kuroo shrugged. "And you already told me how much you love when his skin freckles up." Aone went red as the others giggled behind their hands. "What about you Daichi?" Tanaka asked.

"Honestly Suga is the calmest but also the most chaotic person I've ever met." Daichi chuckled. "He's like the mom of our mates but add a bit of chaos to that." Daichi smiled. "So basically vodka aunt?" Lev asked which made the others burst out laughing. "Yeah true. Oh and I like his hair cause it's so soft." He added. "I wanna hear Asahi's next." Tanaka piped. "Well for me I like how Noya can always make people laugh. He can be immature at times but he never fails to lighten the mood. And I also like how small he is." Asahi smiled. "Honestly Oikawa's closeted dorkiness will never fail to amuse me. And his hair is so goddamn fluffy." Iwaizumi shrugged. "Akaashi is so cool. He can stay calm no matter what plus he's so fucking pretty!" Bokuto smiled. "Tsunderes." Lev and Semi smiled. "That's it?" Daichi asked. "Yaku's a tiny tsundere and I love it so goddamn much. He looks so cute when he gets mad." Lev gushed. "Shirabu acts like he doesn't care about shit but the minute I act flirty with him he's a flustered mess." Semi chuckled.

"Tendou's easy going personality is easily one of my favorite things about him. No matter what he can always strike up a conversation with anyone." Ushijima smiled. "Whenever Atsumu gets emotional and his Kansai accent becomes clearer it's honestly one of the most entertaining things ever. Oh and his mindfulness of my phobia." Sakusa said coolly. "Akagi's a fun guy to be around. He's like a tiny puppy that never fails to make someone laugh or smile. Plus he so cuddly when he's sleeping." Komori smiled. "Alright Tanaka what about you?" Tsukishima asked crossing his arms. Tanaka smiled. "Ennoshita is easily one of the most deceptive people I've met. People think he's timid and shy but oh damn he is anything but. He can keep anyone in check no problem. Plus he's so goddamn pretty." Tanaka smiled. As the night went on they began feeling sleepy and decided to get some sleep.

This is going to be a long ass week

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