Chapter 6

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"Fina fuckingly." Shirabu groaned as he left his evening lecture. Of course I had an evening lecture on a Monday night. Shirabu groaned as he pulled out his umbrella and started walking through the rain to get home. Fuck it's getting dark. The moon was full but it was blocked by clouds making it harder for Shirabu to see where he was going. Damnit where's-oh of fucking course my phone's nearly dead. Shirabu had been so tired from the night before that he forgot to charge his phone so it was now hanging on by 10%. Maybe I'll be fine. Our house isn't too far from campus. Shirabu kept walking but he felt uneasy. As if he was being watched but he couldn't see who it was. Unconsciously he started to walk faster in a slight panic. He felt chills all over his body causing him to shiver. And hand fell on his shoulder and he shrieked loud enough to make a banshee jealous. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." Shirabu turned to face the person behind him who was holding up his phone with the flashlight on. The person was a male who looked a bit older than Shirabu by maybe a year with ash blonde hair that had black at the tips and his eyes were a cool dark grey. He was definitely taller than Shirabu, if he had to guess he'd say this guy was around 5'11 to 6'0. "What are you doing?" Shirabu asked. "Well I saw you walking home in the dark so I figured I'd try and help." The guy shrugged. Shirabu looked the male up and down considering his offer. Well I guess it's better than walking home in the dark. "Uhh sure thanks." Shirabu nodded. The male smiled and walked beside Shirabu holding his phone flashlight up.


The scent of butterscotch took over Semi's senses when he got closer to Shirabu. "So what's your name?" Semi asked. "I'm Shirabu, Shirabu Kenjiro." Shirabu answered. "Nice to meet you. I'm Semi Eita." Semi smiled. Shirabu nodded and kept walking. "You're one of the new guys right?" Shirabu asked to which Semi nodded. "Yep my friends and I moved here from Hyogo." Semi smiled. Shirabu squinted his eyes noticing something sharp and shiny sparkling in the light. Are those- "So what's up with your bangs Shortabu?" Semi asked. "Oi!" Shirabu bumped his shoulder against Semi's arm making the latter laugh. "Ugh I've had my hair like this for a while. My hair used to just be side swept bangs but then I cut them cause they got long and annoying." Shirabu answered. "Gotcha Saltabu." Shirabu glared at Semi. "Shut up Semi senpai." Semi looked at Shirabu with a raised brow. "Senpai?" Shirabu rolled his eyes. "I think you're a year older than me." He told him. "Well I'm a third year if that helps you figure it out." Shirabu nodded. "Yep I was right. I'm a second year." Semi chuckled and nodded. "Is this your stop?" Shirabu looked up to see he was home. Wow that was a shorter walk than I expected. "Uhhh yeah it is. Thanks." Semi chuckled. "No problem Shortabu." Shirabu rolled his eyes and went inside. Semi turned off his phone flashlight and made sure the coast was clear. Hehe no one in sight. He turned into a small bag and flew home smiling like an idiot the whole way.


"Oh my god you guys won't believe the guy I met today." Tendou said happily as Shirabu walked in. "You seem happy Tendou." Futakuchi chuckled. "I met him outside the store. I forgot my umbrella and he walked home with me so we could use his." Suga turned to look at Tendou from his spot at the table. "Really? Did you get his name?" Tendou smiled. "Even better I gave him my number." Atsumu and Oikawa squealed smiling. "So this is what goes on during my evening lectures." Shirabu rolled his eyes and put his umbrella on the rack by the door. "Hey Kenjiro." Futakuchi waved. "Hey Kenji." Shirabu yawned walking to the couch. "Long lecture?" Shirabu nodded. "Hey Suuuuuugggaa who has texting?" Nishinoya asked peering over Suga's shoulder. "None of your business Nishi." Suga put his phone face down on the table. "Awww come on you were smiling at yer phone so who was it?" Atsumu asked. "And don't say no one cause obviously it's someone." Akaashi said in a monotone voice. "Just someone I met today." Suga answered. Nishinoya grinned and snatched Suga's phone tossing it to Oikawa. "Hey give me my phone back." Suga jumped up and ran to Oikawa. Oikawa winked and threw the phone to Tendou who then threw it to Atsumu. "Who is this 'Mr Thighs' guy yer textin?" Atsumu asked. Suga snatched his phone back blushing like a mad man. "None of your concern." Suga pouted.

"Hey wait Suga any chance he's one of the new guys?" Hinata asked. "Uhhh yeah he is why?" Suga asked. "I met one of the new guys today too." Hinata told him. "Yeah me too." Tadashi added. "Same. The guy who walked me home was one of them." Tendou told them. "One of them saved me from getting hit by a car." Kenma mumbled. "Huh weird cause one of the new guys just walked me home." Shirabu told them. "Woah okay that's kinda weird." Suga muttered. Oikawa smirked as Nishinoya snuck up behind Futakuchi and started tickling him. "Ahahahahahaha Noya stop it!" Futakuchi laughed. The others laughed and slowly joined in laughing like maniacs. God I love my roommates.


"There it goes again." Sakusa mumbled. "You hear it too?" Daichi asked. "Yep. My mates laughing about something." Semi looked over at the two. "Weird cause I hear my mate laughing too." Bokuto nodded from his spot on the couch. "You think all our mates are with each other?" Lev asked. "Could be. I mean we keep hearing them laughing at the same time." Kuroo shrugged. "Or it's a massive ass coincidence." Iwaizumi piped. "Oh come on Hajime lighten up a little." Asahi said. "Coming from the ball of anxiety." Tanaka piped. The sound of the door opening and two people's footsteps could be heard. "Well about time you two showed up." Sakusa said shutting his book. "Sorry we're late cousin."

Y'ALL LET ME KNOW WHO YOU THINK IT IS(they're two additions with the thirteen princes)

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