Chapter 10

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Royal Vampire Palace

Atsumu's POV

Owww my head. I reached my hand up to rub my head where it was sore and felt blood. Shit what happened? I managed to open my eyes and I saw I was in what looked like a dungeon. I was sitting in a single chair and the only source of light was from a nearby window. What the fuck?! Where am I?! "Sire he's awake." "Thank you. You are dismissed." I perked my head up at the familiar voice. "Omi!" I said in both relief and confusion. "I'm glad to see you're alright Atsu." He smiled. "Of course but where am I?" I asked. He looked at me with a blank face and sighed. He walked over to me and leaned closer. "Atsumu there's something I have to tell you." I gulped. "Is this a weird kink of yours?" I asked. "What no." Sakusa told me. "Then what?" I asked. He sighed and opened his mouth revealing two sharp fangs among his teeth. "I am a vampire Atsumu." I was speechless. "To answer the questions I know are coming. No I did not kidnap you, yes your friends are alright, and you are not in any danger." I took a minute to calm down before looking up at Sakusa. "Okay so why am I here?" I asked. "Well before I tell you, even though this isn't the appropriate time or place, I need to say that I have fallen for you Atsumu." My jaw hit the floor. "I love you too Omi." I smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. Now then...." I went quiet waiting for him to continue.

"Atsumu I-" a knock interrupted us. "Sakusa the others are awake. Can you bring your mate to the throne room please?" Sakusa sighed. "Yes. We'll be there in a minute." I tilted my head. Mate? Throne room? What the fuck? "Atsu. Please come with me." I slowly stood up and he led me to a huge room where an unfamiliar man with blonde hair sat in a large throne with fifteen other thrones lined up along the wall. In front of the thrones was a large stair case and standing in front of it were my friends. "Guys!" I ran and hugged Oikawa and Akagi. "Oh my god Tsumu!" Oikawa and Akagi hugged me back. "Boys and Shimizu." The male in the large throne said. Fifteen people including Sakusa walked up the stairs and took seats in the thrones next to the blonde man. "Okay why are we here? Where are we? What's going on?" Shirabu ranted. "All will be explained Kenjiro." I recognized that voice as Eita Semi, the guy Shirabu had been crushing on. "Hello my name is Keishin Ukai. Here I am known as the king of the vampire realm. And the people in the thrones next to me are the vampire protectors children." The blonde man told us. "Yeah that's all fine and dandy but what does that have to do with us?" Futakuchi asked putting his hands on his hips.

Ukai sighed and looked down at us. "You all are their fated mates." I remembered the person who knocked on the door earlier called me Omi's mate. "So what does that mean?" Kenma asked. "It means we are destined to be together." Another voice, who I recognized as Kuroo's, told us. "So what we're your blood bags?" Oikawa asked crossing his arms. "Absolutely not." Ukai snapped making us all go silent. "Keishin." A timid voice piped. Ukai took in a deep breath and exhaled. "Sorry but you are to never refer to a mate as a vampires blood bag ever again." We all nodded. "So if being a mate isn't being a personal blood bag then what does being a mate mean?" Tendou asked. Ukai opened his mouth to answer before the same timid voice spoke up. "Keishin I will explain it to them." Ukai looked down at the man who spoke and nodded smiling. "Thank you Ittetsu." Oh so his name was Ittetsu. "Please follow me." Ittetsu led us out of the "throne room" and into a separate room with huge velvet couches. "Wow this place is so big." Yachi said in awe. "Okay so what's the deal with this vampire thing?" Ennoshita asked. Ittetsu motioned for us to sit down on the couches so we did. "Well you're in the realm of vampires. And Keishin is the next king." He started. "So are you really close friend with him? I'm just curious since you're on a first name basis." Shirabu asked. "Ah no actually. I'm his husband." He held up his hand showing the silver ring on his ring finger.

"And I'm his mate." He added. "So a mate is a fated partner?" Tadashi asked. "Basically yes. With vampires they have someone they're destined to be with for their entire life time." He explained. I tilted my head confused as Suga spoke up. "So how can they be sure that we're their mates?" He asked. "Well each of you has a specific scent that gets stronger the closer you are to them. That scent allows them to find you if something were to happen and they needed to find you." Ittetsu explained. "So what's going to happen to us now?" Akagi asked. "Well now that you know the truth you'll be staying in the palace with us." He smiled. "Woah woah woah hold up. You said they're our mates right?" Ittetsu nodded. "But what if they don't actually love us?" Ittetsu chuckled at this. "Well you won't have to worry about that. Trust me I know they love you." We all looked at each before he continued. "When we lived in the human realm for those two months they would go on about you non stop. They were always gushing about how much you meant to them. They became quite protective of you as well." He said smiling. "Okay so since we're gonna be staying here is there anything we should know about?" Suga asked.

"Yes. The mating ritual." Ritual?? "How does that work?" Yaku asked. "Well as mates you'll be sleeping in the same bed as your mate." My face flushed red at the thought of sharing a bed with Omi. "Okay anything else?" Suga asked politely. "The ritual is a long and complicated process but I can assure you your mates will be there to help you through. I've known those boys for a very long time and I can say with great confidence that you can trust them to always be there to help you." We all nodded as Ittetsu stood up. "Sir the princes and princess are waiting." Ittetsu nodded at the guard. "You should all get some sleep. The guards will show you to your mates rooms." Three guards led us out of the room and up a long flight of stairs. "Holy fuck how many more stairs?" Futakuchi groaned.


We were each shown to our mates rooms and I stood in front of Sakusa's door a bit afraid to open it. I shakingly placed my hand on the doorknob and pushed it down. I slowly opened the door half expecting to see him hanging upside down on a branch or sleeping in a coffin. I looked inside the room and it definitely wasn't what I expected. There was a huge king size bed against the wall with black and gold comforters draped over it. There was a black curtain hanging over it that was open which showed off the black gold and emerald green pillows decorating the bed. On his desk I saw some neatly folding clothes with a note on top of them.

"Put these on. I'll be back in a bit - Kiyoomi"

I changed out of my old clothes and put on the clothes he left for me. They consisted of a black shirt with a gold fox on the front and some black shorts. I felt chills down my arms and I looked around the room. "Omi Omi? Ya here?" "Ah you came" I jumped out of my skin and turned to face Sakusa. "Holy shit Omi ya scared the shit out of me." I said holding my chest. "Apologies I didn't mean to startle you." He whispered. He walked over to his huge bed and pulled the covers back. He got under the covers and motioned for me to get in bed. I walked over to the bed and slipped under the covers with him. "Yer beds so big. Doesn't it get a little lonely sleeping here by yersef?" I asked. "Well I'm not sleeping alone right now am I?" I blushed as he hugged me close to him. It was still hard to process everything. I was the mate of a fucking vampire prince and was in a realm full of vampires. "Atsumu?" I looked over at Sakusa. "Hmmmm yeah?" I hummed. "Can I please......taste your blood?" I froze at the question. I looked up at him before nodding my head. "I promise I don't bite hard." He whispered leaning towards my neck. I felt the tips of his fangs at my neck and I squeezed my eyes shut. I braced myself for the searing pain of his bite but-

None came. His teeth slowly sank into my neck as he began to drink my blood. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding as Omi pulled away. "Now you bear my mark. No other vampires will dare to touch you." He whispered hugging me. "My adorable little bee." He whispered kissing my forehead. I closed my eyes and fell asleep next to the guy I'd been crushing on for the last two months.

My vampire 

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