Chapter 8

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"Later Futakuchi! See ya Atsumu!" Ennoshita waved bye to his friends as he ran to his lecture. Futakuchi and Atsumu started walking to their lesson and talked about random topics. Oikawa was running a bit late and he messaged them saying he'd meet them there. "So what do you think these new guys are like?" Atsumu asked. "Well judging from everyone's reactions so far I guess they're hot." Futakuchi shrugged. "They must be if everyone's reacting like this." Atsumu chuckled. "Excuse me." A raspy voice came from behind the two. They turned around and saw a male with curly black hair wearing a mask and much taller male with short white hair. "Oh hi." The two waved. "Can you please direct us to room 492?" The white haired male signed with his hands. "Oh yeah of course." Atsumu looked at Futakuchi. "Oh yeah. Forgot to mention I know sign language." Futakuchi chuckled. Futakuchi motioned for the two to follow and the four began walking towards the lecture room. "So you two are two of the new guys?" Atsumu asked. "Yes." The black haired male nodded. "Nice to meet you two. I'm Kenji Futakuchi and this is Atsumu Miya." Futakuchi told them. "I'm Kiyoomi Sakusa and this is Takanobu Aone." The black haired male told them. Atsumu walked closer to Sakusa smiling. "What's the mask for?" He asked. "I have mysophobia." Sakusa said bluntly. "That's a fear of germs right?" Sakusa nodded.


Holy crap. The scent of honey filled Sakusa's senses as Atsumu walked with him keeping a decent distance between them. So he's the one. He's my fated mate. Sakusa softly smiled under his mask as Atsumu poked fun at Futakuchi. "And you thought I was the clumsy one. You're the dumbass who ran into a door." Atsumu laughed. "Oh shut up. It was one time." Futakuchi rolled his eyes laughing. "So Sakusa what are you majoring in?" Atsumu asked. "Sports science." Atsumu's face seemed to light up. "No way me too." He smiled. Sakusa smiled at Atsumu's excitement. Cute.


Aone looked down at Futakuchi as they walked ahead of Atsumu and Sakusa. The scent of caramel took over his senses as he listened to Futakuchi ramble about the lecture he was going to. He sure has a lot of things to say. "Oh we're here." Futakuchi smiled. The four had finally arrived at the lecture with quite a bit of time to spare. "Thank you." Aone signed. "No problem." Futakuchi smiled as he walked in followed by Atsumu. Sakusa and Aone looked at each other smiling. We've found our mates.


"So you think you've got it?" Ennoshita asked. "Yeah thanks for helping me man." Tanaka smiled. Ennoshita smiled and nodded. He'd met Tanaka in his lecture and noticed he was struggling with some of the work. He offered to help him and Tanaka gladly accepted. "I'm glad I could help. If you need any extra help just tell me." Ennoshita smiled and stood up to go to his next lecture. Tanaka sighed as the scent of maple faded slowly from his senses. He watched Ennoshita leave with a small smile on his face. Damnit he's so pretty. Tanaka got up and got ready to go to his next lecture. Guess Kiyoko was right. He chuckled remembering when he was 112 and Kiyoko was 113.

"I'm calling it right now Tanaka. Your mate is gonna be a guy." Young Kiyoko said as a matter of factly. "How do you know? I've been attracted t girls my who life." Tanaka retorted. "Well that can very well change if you meet the right person." Kiyoko told him. Tanaka rolled his eyes at this. "Whatever I bet my mate will be a girl." He said walking off.

Tanaka chuckled and shook his head. She does have a scary habit of always being right.


"Oikawa hurry up." Makki said as Oikawa ran towards him. "Sorry my alarm didn't go off." Makki shook his head. "Excuses excuses." He laughed as he as Oikawa began walking to their lectures. "So have you met any of the new guys yet?" Oikawa shook his head. "Not yet but I have heard about them." He answered. "Oh hey." An unfamiliar voice called out. "Oh hey Iwaizumi. Oikawa this is one of the new guys." Oikawa turned around and his eyes slightly widened at the sight of Iwaizumi. He was well built with spiky dark brown hair and deep deep green eyes. "Hey I'm Hajime Iwaizumi." Iwaizumi told him. "Oh I'm Tooru Oikawa. Nice to meet you." Oikawa smiled. "You too." Iwaizumi nodded. "He's in our lecture so we should get going." Makki said to the two. The three started walking to their lecture and Oikawa was chatting away with Makki.


God damn. The scent of dark chocolate surrounded Iwaizumi as he glanced over at Oikawa. He smiled a bit as he listened to Oikawa argue with Makki about aliens. Cute and dorky. "I'm telling you aliens are real." Oikawa argued. "No they're not. You just watched way too many alien documentaries." Makki laughed rolling his eyes. Oikawa hmphed and looked over at Iwaizumi pouting. "What do you think Iwa-chan?" Iwaizumi rose a brow at the nickname. "Eh they could be real." Oikawa smiled and turned to Makki. "Ha see." Makki rolled his eyes as the three got to their lecture where a very bored Mattsun was waiting for them. "Fina fuckingly." Mattsun laughed. "Sorry. This one held us up." Makki said and jerked his thumb towards Oikawa. "Heyyyy I did not." Oikawa pouted. Iwaizumi chuckled and rolled his eyes as he went to find a seat. He's definitely something else.


"Do you guys even know where you're going?" Kiyoko asked. "Yeah of course we do." Bokuto told her. "Yeah we're not stupid." Lev chimed in. "We've been walking for thirty minutes now." Kiyoko sighed. "Hey do you guys need some help?" The three looked behind them and saw three people behind them. "Yes some help would be great." Kiyoko nodded. She explained what rooms they needed to find and they split up to go to their separate lectures. "Thanks for helping us." Kiyoko smiled down at Yachi. The scent of banana surrounded her as she and Yachi walked with each other. "Oh it's no problem at all." Yachi smiled. Kiyoko smiled as the two walked in comfortable silence. I wonder if the others met their mates yet.


"So just a bit longer and we'll be at your lecture." Bokuto smiled at Akaashi and nodded. Honestly it was hard for him to focus with the scent of blackberries floating around him. He's so pretty. My soulmate is fucking gorgeous! Bokuto glanced at Akaashi's neck a saw a small birth mark that looked like a spade. "I'm Koutarou Bokuto by the way." Akaashi looked at him and nodded. "I'm Keiji Akaashi." Bokuto smiled and grabbed his hand. "Nice to meet you." He smiled shaking his hand. "Oh it's uh nice to meet you too." Akaashi smiled.


He's so small I just wanna squeeze him. Lev smiled as he walked with Yaku taking in the scent of raspberries. Small and probably squishy like a raspberry. "Hey are you listening?" Yaku snapped his fingers to get Lev's attention. "Huh oh yeah I'm listening." Lev nodded. "Well we're here." Yaku told him. "Oh thanks." Lev smiled. "No problem." Yaku said and went to sit down.  Lev decided to sit next to Yaku since he was the only person he'd spoken to in this class.


"Find them. Bring them here. Execute them."

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