Chapter 11

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Royal Vampire Palace

Akaashi's POV

Ugh my head hurts. I slowly opened my eyes and was met with a dark grey ceiling above me. What the?? "Ah you're awake." I jumped out of my skin and quickly sat up. "Apologies. I didn't mean to frighten you." When I looked to the door I saw a pale man with jet black hair dressed in a suit standing in the doorway. "Ummmm it's alright." I mumbled. The man bowed before he left, closing the door behind him. I looked around the room and found myself lying in a large king bed with grey and white comforters covering my lower body. Where am I? I retraced yesterday in my mind and it all came flooding back to me. I'm the mate of a vampire. But which one? "Glad to see you're up." I snapped my head towards the door and saw Bokuto leaning on the door frame. "Bokuto-san?" I mumbled. Before I could even blink he was on the bed in front of me. "Oh no need for formalities Keiji. You can just call me Koutarou." He whispered. My face was bright red as he looked down at me with a strange look in his eyes. "So now you know the whole truth. I am a vampire prince." Bokuto smiled, sitting in front of me on his knees. "Yes. And I'm the fated mate of one of you." Bokuto chuckled and slid his hand up my arm and towards my neck. "Not one of them. Me Keiji. You are my fated mate." He whispered.

"O-oh." I whispered. He smiled and hugged me rubbing the right side of my neck. "I know it's shocking and I don't expect you to warm up to this so easily." I stayed silent waiting for him to continue. He pulled away from me and looked at me with hope in his eyes. "But I just wanted to ask if.........I could taste your blood." I sat there frozen in place. "I-I mean do you really have to ask me?" I asked. "Vampires aren't cruel Keiji. We don't just drink people's blood without asking first." I shook my head. "No no that's not what I meant. I mean you don't have to ask." I tilted my head a bit to the side. Bokuto smiled and leaned down biting my neck. I winced as he sighed and began drinking my blood. After a few seconds he pulled his fangs out of my neck and kissed the bite marks. "Thank you Keiji." He whispered sitting up to look at me. I was still processing what just happened when I felt Bokuto lay me down flat on my back. "Sleep for a bit longer okay?" He whispered kissing my cheek. He waved at me and walked out of the room shutting the door behind him. I rubbed the marks on my neck and looked up at the ceiling. I'm his mate. His fated partner. I let all the information sink in as I felt my eyelids getting heavier.

A few hours later

Kenma's POV

"So you guys got bit too?" Yachi asked. Instead of answering we all tilted our heads to reveal the bite marks. "I still can't believe this is happening." Suga mumbled. "Yeah it''s." "Insane?" Yaku nodded as Ennoshita finished his sentence. "Didn't they tell us to stay in their rooms until they got back?" Tadashi asked. "Yeah but I got bored so here we are." Futakuchi shrugged. "Come on. I say we find the library to learn more about this ritual." Shirabu told us. "Agreed." Akaashi, Suga, Yaku, Ennoshita and I nodded. "But what if we get caught?" Yachi asked. "I think we'll be fine Yachi." Hinata smiled. We all carefully walked out of Futakuchi's room and walked down the hall being careful of our footsteps. "Okay now how do we find the library?" Tendou muttered. "Honestly.......we didn't think that far." Suga muttered. "I can't help you." I turned around and saw a short male with gunmetal blue eyes and messy black hair. "Come on I'll show you where it is." He whispered and motioned for us to follow him. "Oh thanks Mr......" "Moniwa. I'm Kaname Moniwa." He told us. He led us to the library and it was fucking huge.

"Wow thanks." Suga smiled. "No problem." He smiled and walked off. "Now come on. Let's find out whatever we can before they get back." I mumbled. We spread out and began looking for information. I thought about my mate Kuroo and shivered remembering his lips on my neck. Not only did he 'mark me' he also left a fucking hickey on my neck. I looked through the shelves trying to find a book about this ritual. "Guys I think I found something." Akagi whispered. We walked over to where he was sitting with a huge book open in front of him. "Check this out." He mumbled and began reading the pages.

The vampire mating ritual

The bond between a vampire and their mate is unbreakable and the ritual is a sacred process.

Before the ritual the vampire must mark their mate as theirs by biting their necks and drinking their blood. This mark binds them to each other allowing the vampire to feel what their mate is feeling.

"Damn so they can feel what we feel?" Shirabu mumbled. "I guess so." Akagi shrugged. "What else does it say?" Suga asked.

The ritual has two important steps

The first part of the ritual takes place on the night of a full moon. The vampire cuts into their skin using their nail and draws a line of their blood on their mates tongue. The mate then swallows the blood before cutting into their own skin and repeating what the vampire did.

"We have to fucking cut ourselves?!" Futakuchi whisper shouted. "Shhh not so loud." Atsumu whispered. "Damnit all where are they?!" Oh shit. We looked at each other in dead silence as the echo of Daichi's angry voice echoed through the hall. "Hide." We sprinted off and hid quickly. Because I was small I hid on one of the high shelves with Shoyo, Yachi, Yaku, Akagi, and Nishinoya. Suga Ennoshita and Futakuchi were hiding behind stacks of books while Atsumu Oikawa Akaashi Tadashi and Shirabu hid on top of the shelves. "Where's Tendou?" I mumbled. "The closet." Shoyo answered quietly. The doors of the library slammed open and in walked our boyfriends or in Yachi's case girlfriend. "I swear I could smell Michi's scent here." Komori told them. "Hmmmmm." Ushijima looked around suspiciously. "Eeeeekkkk!" I heard Tendou scream as he ran out of his hiding spot and a rat crawled out of the closet. "Ah Satori there you are." Ushijima walked over to Tendou who now stood frozen in either fear or shock. "Hmmm if he's here you think our mates could be here too?" Lev asked. "Shove over." Shirabu mumbled to Oikawa above me. "Found you." Shirabu screamed and fell off the shelf before Semi caught him. "Watch your step darling." He whispered and floated to the ground. "Yeah yeah yeah now put me down." Shirabu said glaring at him. "Hmmmm no. Not after you left my room when I told you to stay put." Semi said and was gone before I could even blink.

"Boke." Shoyo screeched as Kageyama and Kuroo floated behind us. "Good eye Kagsey." Kuroo smiled and picked me up. "Please don't save my room next time I tell you to stay put." Kuroo whispered. "You might as well come out now. We know you're in here." Iwaizumi called out. Slowly my friends revealed where they'd been hiding and their mates walked over to them looking relieved but also upset. "Come on guys. Let's take em back to our rooms." In a flash I was in Kuroo's room. He gently laid me down on his bed which had deep red comforters on it and black and amber pillows covering the head of the bed. "Kitten~ why'd you leave?" Kuroo asked looking down at me. "I wanted to find out more about this ritual." I mumbled. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "You'll learn about the ritual as it gets closer. Don't be in a rush. I want you to be more comfortable with me as a vampire before we tell you what's going to happen." I sighed as he laid next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. "Please just listen to me next time. This castle is huge and I don't want you getting lost." I mumbled some kind of agreement and he smiled against my forehead. "Good kitty." He whispered kissing my forehead. I guess I have to get used to this. But at least I'm with the guy I've been pining for since I met him.

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