Chapter 9

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Two Months after the vampires moved to Tokyo

"Guys are you almost ready?!" Suga shouted to his roommates. "Yeah mom!" Atsumu shouted back. Suga rolled his eyes while Akagi, Nishinoya, and Yaku chuckled. "We were supposed to meet up with them a few minutes ago." Suga groaned. "Come on we're not that late." Futakuchi said as he and Atsumu walked in the living room. Akaashi Kenma and Ennoshita soon followed and they joined Oikawa, Shirabu, Tendou and Yachi on the couch. "Sorry Suga." Tadashi said as he and Hinata ran into the living room. "Well now that we're all here let's get going." Suga said as he walked out the door. The other followed behind laughing and talking.

"There you are bitches"

Akagi felt a massive chill go down his back as he walked with his friends. "Something wrong Kagi?" Atsumu asked.  No I'm just chilly that's all." Akagi assured smiling. "Probably nervous to see his Toya." Futakuchi teased. Akagi blushed and swatted his arm. "Oh shut up as if you aren't dying to see Aone." Futakuchi went red and looked away.

"That's right just a little bit closer"

"Come on guys we all have feelings for at least one of them so just admit it." Suga laughed as his friends blushed.



Hey what the hell-" large figures stood over the fifteen of them smiling from ear to ear.

"Boss is gonna be pleased"


"Guys we need you back at the realm now!" Daichi winced at Ukai's voice over the phone. "Okay we're coming." When Daichi hung up the vampires groaned. "Come on guys he sounded urgent." Daichi closed his eyes and opened a portal to the vampire realm. The fifteen of them walked through the portal and into the palace. 

"Oh thank God you guys are back." Takeda said sounding out of breath. "Take what happened?" Tanaka asked. Takeda led the fifteen of them to the throne room where a gang of thugs were being held back by guards. "What's going on?" Semi asked. Takeda's eyes drifted to the fifteen young adults being held by guards. They were unconscious and had a bit of blood dripping from different parts of their bodies. "Care to explain?" One of the guards asked. "We found those humans walking around Yakeru and figured we'd keep our realm a fucking secret." One of them answered. Wait that smell. "Those aren't just random humans you fuckwad!" Kageyama yelled. "Those are our fucking mates!" Bokuto yelled, clearly pissed off. "Silence." Ukai snapped. "Guards take each of the humans to a room and let us know when they wake up." The guards nodded and took the humans to the holding rooms on the lower floor. "And as for you thugs. Never go near their mates ever again. If you see a random human here alert a higher up." Ukai growled lowly. The boys watched their mates get taken away feeling rage bubble in their chests. "Guys." Ukai said calmly. "Yes?" They all turned to him. He looked between the door their mates had been taken through and Takeda who nodded. "Now that they're here it's time to tell them everything. need to mark them." The guys looked at him and nodded.

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