Chapter 5

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"Oh my fuck it's hot." Kenma groaned. He was on his way to meet up with his friends Taichi and Kita since all three of their lectures got cancelled due to their professors being ill. Kenma walked along the sidewalk playing his game since he was looking for inspiration for game character designs. "Hey watch out!" Kenma was suddenly yanked backwards as a car came speeding past him. "Holy shit." Kenma whispered. "Next time watch where you're going." A soft voice told him. Kenma looked up and saw a tall male with cat-like gold eyes and messy black hair which partially covered one of his eyes. "Oh right...thanks for helping me." Kenma mumbled. "No problem." The black haired male smiled. "I'm Tetsuro Kuroo by the way." He added. "I-I'm Kenma Kozume." Kenma told him "Nice to meet you." Kuroo smiled. Kenma nodded as a drop of water hit his forehead. Damnit. "Guess we should get out of here before it rains." We? It was then that Kenma noticed Kuroo was holding him close and before he could object he was lifted up and being carried towards one of the many buildings on campus. "Hey I have legs." Kenma told him. "Kitten you almost got hit by a car. I'm not trusting you to walk without mindlessly walking into traffic again." Kitten?!


Kuroo looked down at the small two toned haired male in his arms as the scent of apples and cinnamon hit him. Damn driver! He was so fucking careless he almost ran over my mate. Kuroo took note of how small Kenma was compared to him. He took in every feature of the male in his arms. His short hair falling perfectly around his face, his narrow lazy eyes making him look like a tired cat, and he could definitely feel some build under his jacket. "You know you don't have to carry me." Kenma mumbled. "Yeah but considering you almost got run over I think I'd rather carry you." Kuroo chuckled. I'll protect him no matter what happens. I promise to keep my mate safe.


"So how'd your lecture go Daichi?" Tanaka's voice rang through Daichi's phone. They were calling each other since their lectures were in opposite buildings. "It went great what about you?" Daichi asked. "It went great for me too." Tanaka chuckled. "Any word from Kiyoko yet?" Daichi asked. Kiyoko was one of Tanaka's close friends who had also moved to Tokyo to one, find her mate since her mate wasn't back home and two, to keep the guys in check. "No not yet but I think she'll call us soon enough." Tanaka shrugged. "Well call me back once you're free." Daichi said and hung up. As he walked down the hall he heard the sound of someone struggling. What the hell? He walked closer and saw a male with silver hair struggling to lift some boxes of paperwork. Then it hit him. The sweet smell of vanilla combined with blood. "Ummm hey." The silver haired male turned to Daichi revealing his warm brown eyes. "Oh hey." He waved. "You want some help?" The silver haired male looked around him and nodded. Daichi walked over and the scent of blood got a bit stronger. "Oh I'm Koushi Sugawara by the way." The silver haired male smiled. "Nice to meet you. I'm Daichi Sawamura." Daichi said as he picked up a huge box. Suga picked up a smaller box and started walking out of the room with Daichi following him.

"Why were you trying to carry all these by yourself?" Daichi asked. "Oh one of the professors needed someone to bring these to his office and we'll i volunteered." Suga shrugged. Daichi nodded taking note of the small cut on Suga's right hand. Guess that explains the blood smell.


"Thank you Sugawara." The professor smiled as Daichi and Suga brought the last few boxes to his office. "You're welcome sir." Suga smiled and waved bye to him. He and Daichi left and walked down the hall talking to each other. "So you're one of the transfer students everyone's talking about?" Daichi nodded. "Yeah me and my friends just moved here." He smiled. "Well I hope you guys are finding your way around okay." Suga smiled. "Well we're trying." Daichi chuckled. Holy crap he's gorgeous. "Well I should get going." Daichi said rubbing his neck. "Hey wait before you leave could we maybe exchange numbers?" Suga asked. "Oh yeah sure." Daichi nodded handing his phone to Suga. Suga handed his phone to Daichi and they out each other's numbers in their phones. They gave each other their phones back and went their separate ways. Damn I guess Asahi Kageyama and Tsukishima aren't the only ones. Daichi smiled and entered in a new contact name for Suga. 'My Beloved Mate ❤️'


"Damnit of course it just had to rain today." Tendou cursed under his breath. He had gone to the store after his lessons were over to get some food to make dinner for him and his housemates. And just as he'd checked out and went to leave it started pouring down rain heavily. And the one damn day I don't bring my umbrella. Tendou sighed prepared to run for it when a voice called from behind him. "Do you not have an umbrella?" Tendou turned in the direction of the voice and saw a tall built male with dark green eyes and dark green hair. "Yeah I guess I wasn't expecting it to rain today." Tendou sighed. The man behind him walked closer and opened his umbrella holding it over the both of them. "If you don't mind we can both use mine." Tendou looked up at him shocked but nodded. "Yeah sure thanks." Tendou smiled. The two started walking towards the campus in silence. "Sooo what's your name?" Tendou asked. "My name is Wakatoshi Ushijima." The male answered. "Nice to meet you. I'm Satori Tendou." Tendou smiled. Ushijima nodded silently.

The smell of cherries engulfed Ushijima's senses as he and Tendou walked close to each other. Suits him perfectly. He looked down at Tendou who had a hand tangled in his wild red hair. He seemed relaxed and had a lazy smile across his face. "So Ushiwaka where'd you move from?" Tendou asked, knowing he was one of the new students on campus. Shit. "My friends and I moved here from Hyogo." Ushijima answered. Then realization hit. "Wait why'd you call me Ushiwaka?" Ushijima asked. "It's a combination of your first and last name. I try doing that with all my friends." Tendou smiled and started listing off the mashed up names for all of his friends. Ushijima smiled at Tendou's carefree attitude and how easy he was to talk to. Before long they made it to Tendou's home. "Thanks for walking me home Ushiwaka. It was a lot of fun talking to you." Tendou smiled. Ushijima chuckled. "You're an interesting person Tendou." He told him. "Why thank you." Tendou bowed slipping him a piece of paper before waving and going inside. Ushijima left and looked at the piece of paper. Call me sometime Ushi and next to it was Tendou's number. Ushijima smiled as he arrived home. I've finally found my mate.


"What do you mean you can't find them?!" "We're trying our best." "Well try fucking harder!"

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