Chapter 16

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Royal Vampire Palace

Thursday 10:55 pm

"I swear I'm gonna fucking lose it." Tanaka groaned. It had been almost five days since the royals and mortals were separated and the night of the ritual was almost upon them. For the royals however it felt like the week was digging it's heels into the ground. They were antsy and tired of being separated from their mates. "Calm down Tanaka. Tomorrow is Friday so we just have to wait down here till tomorrow night." Daichi told him, despite his own restlessness. "Yeah we'll see our mates soon enough." Kiyoko added. Throughout the week the royals had stayed in this chamber with each other only leaving to fly at night while their mates were sleeping. There was never any tension between the royals though. They all viewed each other like family but they missed walking around the palace and visiting the different cities.

Semi tapped a steady rhythm against his thigh humming quietly as Bokuto paced back and forth. "Geez now I know how Ukai felt during his mating ritual." Bokuto mumbled. "It'll be fine Bo. We just have to wait a little longer." Kuroo assured him. The sound of a creaking door caught the royals attention as Shibayama walked in. "Ummm I came to tell you that your mates are asleep so you can go out to fly now." The royals nodded. "Thanks Yuuki." Lev smiled. The royals walked out the door and rushed outside to fly. "Damn I never get tired of this." Semi smiled. The sound of cracking bones filled the silence as the royals stretched out their wings and took off into the sky.

Friday 12:00 noon

"Hey guys." Akagi waved to his friends. The mortals were sitting in the living room discussing everything they'd learned about vampires and the ritual throughout the week. "Well tonight's the night." Futakuchi weakly smiled. "You guys nervous?" Yamaguchi asked. "Of course we're nervous." Shirabu grumbled. "I think we'll be okay." Oikawa smiled, but deep down no matter how much Takeda reassured them they're in good hands their nerves were still nagging at them.

During the week Takeda had taught them about vampires and their behaviors.

[this information is mostly through my knowledge as well as my own personal idea of how vampires would be in this world so take it with a grain of salt. Also best to not skip past the is part]

Everything the mortals thought vampires were couldn't have been more wrong. Contrary to popular belief vampires don't go around killing people for food whenever they're hungry. However this instinct can be set off if they go without blood for too long. Vampires can actually drink from each other without needing to be mates as long as they have the consent of the person they drink from. Another myth is that blood has to be consumed from the neck but that's actually false. That rule only applies during the mating ritual but if they decide to drink blood from someone they can drink from the others wrist arm or anywhere they feel comfortable drinking from.

That was what the learned on day one. On the second day they learned about vampires instincts and the bond between mates.

The bond between a vampire and their mate is very strong and when their mate bears the vampires bite mark their scent becomes stronger indicating they are binded together. They also learned that because vampires are considered undead they don't have a heartbeat. "But that doesn't make sense I heard Tsukki's heartbeat when I hugged him the first night we were here" to which Takeda explained further. Vampires don't have a heartbeat until they taste the blood of their fated mate, which explained why most of the royals didn't want to hug then mortals when they were in the human realm. Then they were told that vampires can sense when their mates are in danger once both parts of the ritual are complete. The bond will be at it's strongest once the royals gain their abilities.

On day three they learned about the five cities and abilities.

"Wow so we're the source of their power?" Takeda smiled and nodded. "The consumption of your blood and theirs grants them their abilities which means they'll have their full strength." Upon hearing this Yaku asked "So we're basically powerless?" To which Takeda explained further. "You won't gain the abilities right away but once Keishin becomes king there's a process all of you along with myself will go through to gain the abilities of our mates." They all nodded as Takeda told them that part would come at a later time.

Finally on day four they learned about the entirety of the ritual.

On Friday at midnight they would be taken to the lower chambers where the royals had stayed that week. Each of the doors had their mates name above it so it'd be easier to tell who would go to which room. Once they entered their mates rooms they would be instructed what to do from there.

[End of week recap]

"So tonight at midnight." Oikawa whispered. "We'll be fine." Suga assured but he was nervous.

After a while they went up to their mates bedrooms to change. All of them walked down stairs wearing shorts and a shirt that belonged to their mate. "How long till midnight?" Atsumu asked. Akagi checked his phone and answered "two more hours.".

It's almost time. Guess it's now or never

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