Chapter 3

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"Wow." Ittetsu smiled at the princes. "This is your new home." He smiled. "It's perfect." Daichi smiled. "We chose somewhere shaded since you guys burn easily." The princes rolled their eyes. While vampires didn't turn to ash immediately when in sun light they did burn very easily. Sunscreen did help this but they had to wear a lot of it. "You'll be starting tomorrow so you guys can spend today getting settled." The princes nodded and went to get unpacked. "I'll come and visit whenever I can." Keishin smiled and kissed his mates forehead. "Be safe going home." Ittetsu whispered. "I always am." Keishin winked and walked away. The princes gagged from the hall and went up stairs.


"Shoyo!" Nishinoya ran and hugged his ginger haired friend. "Yuu!" Hinata smiled. "Hey Shoyo." Kenma smiled as he and Yaku walked over. "Hey little red." Futakuchi smiled as he walked over with Ennoshita, Oikawa and Atsumu. Akaashi walked over with Shirabu, Tendou and Sugawara. "Hey guys." Tadashi smiled. "Glad you two got here okay." Futakuchi smiled. "Come on we'll show you around." Sugawara smiled. The males walked to the shared house which was large and spacious. "So when do classes start?" Hinata asked. "Oh classes start on Monday so you two have time to get settled." Yaku answered. "Oh that's great." Tadashi smiled. The two went to get unpacked while the others sat in the living room. "Should we tell them about the dreams?" Atsumu asked. "No they just got here. Let's give them time to get settled." Sugawara told him. "Right so what should we eat for dinner tonight?" Futakuchi. "How about we just get take out?" Akaashi suggested. "Sounds good to me." Atsumu told him. "Yeah same here." Oikawa nodded. "What are you guys talking about?" Hinata asked. "Oh we're thinking about getting take out for dinner tonight." Tendou told him. "Is that okay with you two?" Sugawara asked. "Sure." The two nodded.


"Come on guys." Ennoshita was trying to hurry his friends up so they wouldn't be late. "We're coming we're coming geez." Futakuchi groaned. It was Monday morning and the first day of classes and they were rushing to get ready. "Come on hurry up!" Sugawara yelled as he bolted out the door. The others followed him as they ran towards the main building. "Nice we made it." "Yeah an hour early." Nishinoya groaned. "Hey if you're-" "On time you're late if you're early you're on time." The others finished Sugawara's sentence. "Yeah yeah we know." Oikawa groaned. "Let's get going." Shirabu started walking to his lecture as did Kenma, Yaku, and Ennoshita. Nishinoya Tadashi and Hinata started walking through the building since their lectures were in the same building.


"So this our new university." Kuroo said looking up at the building. "Thank god it's an overcast today." Iwaizumi said as he took his sunglasses off. The reason the princes wore sunglasses was because if they looked directly at the sun it would kill them so they wore darkening sunglasses to protect their eyes. "Come on let's go." Daichi told them. The night prior they'd been given their schedules and now they had to find where their lectures were. "Well I shall see you gentlemen later." Kuroo bowed and walked off to his lecture. Asahi Tsukishima and Kageyama all had to go in the same direction to get to their lectures along with Aone. "Hey is it just me or does it smell more pleasant here than back home?" Asahi asked. "Huh now that you mention it, it does smell a lot better here than back home." Kageyama told him. "You think maybe it's" A small yelp interrupted Asahi's words as Hinata crashed into Aone. "Oh sorry about that." Hinata apologized. "It's fine just be careful of where you're going." Aone said quietly. "Hey are you guys-" Asahi stopped mid sentence. "Yeah we're okay." Nishinoya smiled. "Crap come on guys." Tadashi ran off but ran face first into Tsukishima's chest. "Ow watch it-" Tsukishima looked down at a nervous Tadashi. "Ahh sorry about that." Tadashi apologized and bolted off as Hinata ran past Kageyama and Nishinoya followed.

"Hey guys are you okay?" Daichi asked as he and Iwaizumi walked over. "I-I found my mate." Tsukishima, Kageyama and Asahi whispered

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