6. wolf

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💭By Dreamer💭

Katsuki is searching the whole house hoping to find his cute blood bag. But with no luck. he eventually comes to the window where Izuku climbed out. The sheets are outside on the ground but Katsuki doesn't need to see them to figure out that Izuku is out of the house. he was yelling out the window. "DEKU!!!! YOU WON'T GET FAR YOU DAMN NERD!! I WILL GET YOU AND THEN YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!!! YOU ARE MINE YOU HEAR ME???!!!!"

Katsuki jumped out of the window and transformed into a bat. He is obviously pissed. He is flying over the forest but can't see a thing through the leaves. So he lands on the ground and transforms into a werewolf. Katsuki walks for a while in the forest until he smells a familiar smell. It is Izuku's blood. Katsuki's mind: {I got your smell. now It won't take long until I get to you Deku. And when I get to you, I am going to bite you and drink your sweet-smelling blood you liar. And when I do that, you will scream so hard of the pain that you will pass out.} Katsuki follows the smell as he licks his lips just at the thought of Izuku's blood in on his fangs. His sweet taste in Katsuki's mouth. He was so hungry. 

Izuku was tired of running, he was breathing fast so he took some rest. Izuku sat down under a tree and rested. Once he had calmed down, he looked around and the once so creepy forest was now a beautiful magical place. It was still dark but as Izuku looked around he saw that there were fairies flying around. there were also tiny white creatures surrounding him. There were like marshmallows. Izuku's mind: {What are they? They are so cute.} Izuku sighed deeply. Izuku's mind: {I miss my mom. She did everything for me and where am I when she needs my help? I am lost in the forest. I am hungry and cold.} Izuku starts crying. He is hugging his knees into his chest curled up in a boll. Katsuki saw Izuku crying under a tree. He sneaked closer until he was in front of the crying boy. Izuku looked up. Katsuki thought that Izuku would run away because he was scared but Izuku kept looking at the blond werewolf.

 Katsuki sniffed at Deku then back staring into his eyes. Izuku saw the care in the werewolf's eyes the same kind of care he saw in his mother's eyes. He reached to pat the werewolf and landed his hand on the soft blond fur. Katsuki then realized that Izuku didn't recognize him. Katsuki then walked closer to the boy. Izuku stood while Katsuki rested his chin on Izuku's head. The green-haired boy wrapped his arms around Katsuki's neck but the werewolf is so big that his arms didn't fit around. Izuku had a warm feeling inside, he felt safe as he smiled, grabbing onto Katsuki's fur.

They hugged for a while until Izuku broke the hug and petted Katsuki's head one more time before turning around and starting to walk away

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They hugged for a while until Izuku broke the hug and petted Katsuki's head one more time before turning around and starting to walk away. Katsuki quickly turned back into his human form and grabbed Izuku's hand. The shocked boy turned around fast at the sudden touch. Izuku gave a scared look at Katsuki. He is so surprised to see Katsuki instead of the werewolf. "Where is the oh wait you are that wolf......right?" "Yeah, and why the hell did you run away!!?" Katsuki yelled clearly angry "Because I want to go home to my mom she needs me and I miss her." Katsuki is getting really pissed.

"SHE DOESN'T NEED YOU!!! SHE DOESN'T WANT YOU!! I NEED YOU AND WANT YOU SO WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO GO HOME IF YOU HAVE EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED HERE?!!!" "she das want and need me." Izuku started to cry and run away again. Katsuki sighed and took his phone to call Kirishima. The red-eyed boy answered. "What's up Bakubro?" "How many fucking times have I told you to stop calling me that shitty hair!!" Kirishima's mind: {he is in a bad mood, something is not going as he wants.} "Anyway I don't have time for your crap. Meet me in the center of the west wing of the forest in 10 and bring a sleep serum with you!" "Yes sir!" Katsuki ends the call and starts running after Izuku again. Kirishima's mind:{Sleep serum, huh? Izuku must have escaped. This is not good, he is going to torture and kill Izuku.}

"DAMN IT DEKU COME BACK TO YOUR MASTER!!" Izuku didn't listen and kept on running. They kept running until Izuku stopped at an open place with a big three in the center and he saw Kirishima standing there with something in his hand. "Now I got you!" "Just let me go home, I won't tell anyone that you are a vampire. I promise so please." Izuku pleaded. "That's not the reason that you need to stay here." "Then why do I need to stay here? I am of no use to you. Why of all people do you want me? I can't do anything." "Oh, you dumb little lair" Katsuki smirked. "Wait how do you-" Izuku asked shocked but before he could finish his sentence the angry vampire cut him off. "That's right I know you lied about your blood type. you have AB so you are a lot of use to me so you will stay with me. But we will talk about that later. SHITTY HAIR!" "Yes sir" The red-haired boy ran behind Izuku and squirt a needle into his arm. Injecting Izuku with the sleep serum. The small boy losses consciousness immediately. The vampire catches the poor boy before he hits the moss growing on the ground. 

(988 words)

yes, Katsuki can turn into a bat and a werewolf. he is not your average vampire and he can transform with his clothes. it would be kind of funny to see him naked in a forest with Izuku I mean you would probably think some weird shit.

What animal do you want to be able to transform into?

Anyway, I hoped you enjoy it and have a nice day. keep dreaming 👍. dreamer out ^-^

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