51. Turning pain into pleasure

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

Izuku didn't know what to say. He was scared, he didn't want to repeat what Tododroki did to him but on the other hand, Katsuki's touch felt so good and different that it made the painful memories disappear. "It's okay if you don't want to do it, I would completely understand." The blonde said feeling a bit guilty for asking such a thing knowing the poor boy just got raped. "No, It's okay. I want to try, It would help." The green-haired boy said shyly. "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel forced-" Katsuki started but got cut off by Izuku who connected their lips. This surprised the vampire a bit but it also showed that Izuku wasn't as afraid as Katsuki thought he was. 

The kiss turned into a heated make-out session. Katsuki took the lead and pinned Izuku under him on the bed. While lovingly kissing Izuku he sneaked his hands underneath Izuku's shirt and caressed his soft skin being careful of the bandages in the process. Katsuki moved from the smaller boy's lips over to his neck, marking his property and searching for a certain spot.

Izuku didn't know what was happening but he didn't care, It just felt so good he didn't want it to stop. The green-haired boy loved the feeling of Katsuki's lips on his neck. But suddenly the feeling intensified so that it forced a sound out of Izuku. "Ngh-" It surprised him so he covered his mouth with his hands. Katsuki smirked against Izuku's neck knowing he found what he was looking for. The vampire kept attacking that same spot as the poor boy kept his hands on his mouth to keep the noises in, but Katsuki on the other hand didn't want Izuku to hide his sounds, he loved every single sound Izuku made so he grabbed Izuku's wrists and placed his hands above his green head. "Don't hide your voice, Teddy bear~ I love the sounds you make so please, let me hear you~" As Katsuki whispered into Izuku's ear, Izuku's face turned a dark red. 

after some neck kissing and marking, Katsuki wanted to take a step further. "Is it okay if I take your shirt off?" Katsuki asked and Izuku nodded with a blush. The blonde smiled softly and carefully took Izuku's shirt off so he wouldn't hurt him. When Izuku's shirt was out of the picture Katsuki removed his own shirt as well and threw it across the floor. Now that they were both shirtless Izuku was kind of embarrassed to look at Katsuki, The blonde noticed this and it amused him. "You can look, don't worry."  Katsuki said as he placed one of Izuku's hands on his abs. feeling the vampire's hard but soft-to-the-touch abs made Izuku blush even more than he already was. 

Katsuki leaned down to kiss Izuku again and kissed his way down Izuku's body, from his lips to his neck and from his neck to his chest, tummy, or even close to Izuku's hips. "Your so pretty, my love. But you look even better with all my marks covering you." Katsuki whispered against Izuku's soft skin. No one has ever called Izuku pretty before (at least not that he knows), he couldn't help but feel loved. Katsuki was so gentle and caring with him, how can't you love something like that?  

Taking another step Katsuki pulled down his pants before removing Izuku's. "Kacc-han~" Izuku moaned out when Katsuki started to grind their underwear together. "Don't worry teddy bear, I got you." Izuku was surprised by how good Katsuki made him feel, It was way different than what Todoroki did. It already made him feel like he was melting and his boxers weren't even off yet. Katsuki pulled Izuku closer and held his waist with one hand while the other traveled down Izuku's underwear and circled his twitching hole. "Tell me when it hurts or if you want to stop okay?" Katsuki whispered right before he carefully pushed his finger into Izuku. The smaller male flinched a little at the weird feeling but that soon turned into pleasure. 

"Ngh- Kacchan~ Feels good~" Izuku moaned out and this made Katsuki smirk. "Oh does it now?" Katsuki came closer to Izuku's ear. "I'll make you feel even better, my love." He whispered in his deep sexy voice and it drove Izuku over the edge. "KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled out not knowing what an orgasm is. "W-What was that?" He asked out of breath. "That was an orgasm, it tells you when you're finished. Your's came rather quickly." Katsuki chuckled while Izuku flushed a dark red. 

"Are you sure you want to continue? We can still stop if you want-" Katsuki got cut off by Izuku. "no! I-I want to continue, I-I really l-love you, and that really f-felt good..." Izuku said while blushing. Katsuki smiled and kissed Izuku deeply. "No turning back now." The blonde said as he pulled down his underwear. "Turn around, teddy bear." Izuku shook his head. "I-I wanna see you." Katsuki was the happiest he has ever been, he was about to devour his cute blood bag that he loves so much and Izuku was really happy too. While roughly kissing Izuku he angeled himself and slowly started pushing into Izuku. "Ngh-" It surprised Izuku a bit at first but then he took Katsuki's huge length in with ease. To be honest, Katsuki was way bigger than Todoroki and Izuku noticed this but it didn't scare him one bit, he trusted Katsuki and he couldn't trust anyone more. 

Once inside Izuku, Katsuki waited and checked up on him. "Does it hurt?" Katsuki asked filled with worry. "no, it's fine, it's just... big." Izuku breathed out adjusting to Katsuki's size. This statement made Katsuki even more excited. "Nghm- it grew~" Katsuki blushed lightly. "Trust me, teddy bear. you're safe in my hands, I'm not going to hurt you. Look into my eyes." Izuku looked up as Katsuki grabbed a hold of his hands. "Take deep breaths and feel yourself getting stretched out by me. We can stop if you want, but I think you can take some more." Katsuki said bringing his lover to ease. 

"Is it okay if I start moving?" The blonde asked and Izuku nodded. Being very caring Katsuki started to pull out to only push back in, repeating this over and over. "Fuck- Izuku~ I don't know if I can hold back~" Katsuki grunted. "T-then don't." Izuku knew this was a bold move but he felt so good and he needed more.  When Katsuki heard what Izuku said he just snapped. He started to pound into the poor boy, going at an inhuman speed. Izuku was in heaven, he loved it, and he was covered in sweat and marks. The bad memories of Todoroki just got pounded out of him. 

"Aah~ Kacchannn~" Izuku moaned out in pure pleasure. "Can I bite you?" Katsuki asked a little out of breath. "I- Ah~ would love it~"  Katsuki didn't waste a second and bit down on Izuku's neck. Feeling a little pain and the weird sensation of being bitten drove Izuku over the edge for a second time that night. As for Katsuki, tasting the delicious blood of his lover and feeling Izuku tighten around him made him come too. 

After getting down from their height, Katsuki planned to go multiple rounds but Izuku passed out. So he just kissed his lover's forehead, pulled the sheets over them, pulled Izuku close, and wished him a goodnight. "Goodnight, my love. I love you so much, Izuku." 

(1268 words)

Hii, dreamer here. So sorry for the long wait but I think it turned out great. Of course, could be better but for my second time writing smut I think I did alright.

I do think it's a bit rushed, What do you guys think?

Question of this chapter:

what's your favorite day of the week?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and have a very good day. Lots of love❤

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