35. Surprise

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💭By dreamer💭

3rd person POV

The next day Izuku woke up with a headache and pain in his lower back and was trapped in the arms of a sleeping Katsuki. He tried to sit up but the blond's hold was too strong. Suddenly Kirishima burst through the doors. Because of this, the once so peacefully sleeping vampire was now awake. "Boss we've got a situation." the redhead said. "Be there in a sec." Katsuki said with his raspy morning voice. Right after Kirishima closed the door Katsuki hugged Izuku a little tighter. 

"How did you sleep?" Katsuki asked. "Good, you?" "way better than when I sleep alone." The blond answered. as Katsuki hugged Izuku way too tight he hissed in pain from his lower back. Katsuki immediately let go. "What's wrong? Did I hurt your arm?" Katsuki asked panicking. He didn't want to hurt the greenette again. "No, it's just that my lower back hurts a lot and I have a headache too." Izuku said. "Oh, right I forgot." Izuku was confused. What was Katsuki talking about? The blond reached for the smaller boy's neck. He pressed a certain spot that made Izuku let out a soft moan and suddenly a pair of green ears and a tail pop out of Izuku. "Wow If I knew you would make such a beautiful noise I wouldn't have forgotten about it." Katsuki said while smirking at the now even cuter Izuku who was blushing like crazy.

"Does your head and back still hurt?" Katsuki asked. "N-no." Izuku answered. The blond smiled softly. "I have to go, duty calls. I'll be right back, stay here." The vampire said as he left the room heading to his huge walk-in closet leaving Izuku alone. He grabbed a black suit and went to take a shower. Izuku was still sitting on the big bed in silents. He was choked with himself when he made such an embarrassing noise in front of Katsuki. But the blond seemed fine with it so no worries right? 

Izuku was so deep in thought that he didn't realize how fast time flies by. Katsuki was already done with his situation and came back to the room where Izuku was still sitting the exact same way in the exact same place. "Izuku." the greenette deep in thought snapped out of whatever trance he was in and looked at the blond. "I need to go somewhere but I will be back this afternoon, Okay?" "Okay." Katsuki gave Izuku a hug and a kiss before leaving again. 

After Katsuki left Izuku walked to the huge walk-in closet to pick some clothes and then took a shower too. When he was done he walked to Eri's room and entered seeing the little girl was already awake playing with some dolls. "Hey, Eri. Good morning, How did you sleep?" Eri came running to Izuku. "DEKUUU! Good morning I slept well!" Eri laughed as she pushed Izuku to the ground, hugging him. Izuku was now laughing with her. "No nightmares?" Izuku asked. "No." "That's good. come on I have a surprise for you." "Yeaaaah!"

Izuku took Eri to another room. When they entered Eri her eyes went wide. It was a big room full of girl's clothes. Eri has her own huge walk-in closet. "all these clothes are yours, you can wear whatever you want." Izuku said. Eri ran into the room looking at all the clothes with sparkly eyes. The little gray-haired girl picked an outfit and went to put it on while Izuku waited outside. Eri came out of her room wearing a purple sweater with dark blue shorts. "Thank you so much, Deku!" She said as she hugged Izuku again. "It was only my idea, you should thank Kacchan. He's the one who made it happen." 

 A while later Katsuki was back and was looking for Izuku. Mina told him that he was in Eri's room. As he walked closer to her room he could hear giggling and laughter. The door was already open and Katsuki watched his lover brush the little girl's hair as he leaned on the door frame not wanting to disturb anything. "Tell me if I hurt you, Okay?" Izuku said. "Your Deku, You would never hurt someone." Eri giggled. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. I have another surprise for you but you have to wait until tomorrow." Izuku said. "Really! Thank you so much." Then it was quiet for a while. "Hey Deku?" "Yeah?" "How do you know you love Katsuki?" Eri asked. "Well for everyone love is different. If you love someone who loves you too then it's like a dream, a blessing. But when the person you love doesn't love you back then it's a nightmare, a curse. But if you are lucky and you find the right one then they will love you for the amazing person you are. But you can never force someone to have feelings for you. You can love someone in a friendly way, in a family way and in a romantic way like What I have with Kacchan. For me, love is something special. It doesn't happen much but when it does it feels right like it was meant to be. Every time I see Kacchan I don't just feel butterflies in my stomach, I can feel them everywhere. And the way he talks leaves me shaking on my knees. The way he smells leaves me hungry and his hugs are so comforting that I could fall asleep in his arms.-" Before Izuku could finish Katsuki opened his mouth. "Really now nerd?" Katsuki asked smirking. Izuku was as red as Kirishima's hair. Eri was laughing hard.

The next morning Izuku and Katsuki woke up by an alarm. Izuku jumped out of bed and proceeded to shake Katsuki awake. "Uggh." The blond grunted. "Come on Kacchan wake up!" Izuku said excitedly. "Yeah yeah." They both went to pick some clothes and took a shower together. Katsuki went downstairs to tell Kirishima to make sure the driver is ready and knows where to go. Izuku on the other hand went to Eri's room to wake her up. "Eri wake up. Today is the day of your surprise." Izuku said. Eri woke up and just like Izuku this morning she jumped out of bed and raced to her personal wardrobe she got yesterday. She took some cute clothes and when she was done she ran downstairs to Katsuki. Izuku walked behind her giggling at the excitement of the little girl. 

A couple of minutes later they were all sitting in the car. "Are you excited Eri?" Izuku asked the girl who couldn't sit still. "YEAH!" Eri yelled while Izuku chuckled. Katsuki was enjoying the view. 

Another couple of minutes later they arrived at their destination. They stepped out of the car and Katsuki got something out of the back trunk. "Where are we?" Eri asked. Katsuki was holding a pink school backpack. "School, You're finally going to school today." Izuku said while smiling.  Eri her eyes widen and she jumped up in the air. "REALLY?!?" "Yeah, come on, You're going to make a lot of friends." Eri grabbed Izuku's hand and pulled him with her into the school. Katsuki smiled at the sight and decided to wait outside. As Izuku and Eri walked into her homeroom the teacher took over. Izuku walked out of the school after he smiled and said his goodbye. 

The couple got back in the car. "Thank you for making this possible Kacchan." "No problem  and I'm not done yet." "What do you mean?" Izuku asked. "You will see." Katsuki answered

(1267 words)

This was part 35, I hope you liked it and have a great day. Keep dreaming. Dreamer out^-^

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