37. Sister

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💭By dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

"WHAT!?" Izuku yells surprised. "you are Kacchan's sister?" Izuku asked. "If Kacchan is Katsuki." Toga said nodding. "I didn't know Kacchan had a sister. He never talked about his family to me." "My brother isn't one to randomly talk about stuff and be open to people, even people he holds dearly." Toga said. "I know." Izuku agreed. 

"But this is great!" Izuku jumped up. "Now you two can see each other again and makeup lost time." Izuku said smiling. Toga smiled a little too but that soon faded. "That would be great but,... There is a reason why I thought Katsuki was dead. There is a reason why I ran away. I won't go back, It's not safe." Tago explained. "What do you mean 'not save'?" Izuku asked. 

"Listen Izuku, Don't tell your brother about me. Just make sure he is safe and enjoy the time you have left with him before it's too late." Toga said right before she disappeared. 

Izuku's POV.

I was left shocked and alone in the empty classroom. what did she mean by 'the time I have left with him?' is something going to happen? Is something bad going to happen to Kacchan? I really hope not. can't we have one week full of peace and quiet?

I walked out of the empty classroom only to realize that lunch was over and that I was about to be late for my class. 

When class was over

I couldn't focus on my class at all. I kept thinking about what Toga said. I have a very bad feeling about it. I just hope that Kacchan doesn't get hurt or worse.

3rd person POV.

Izuku walked out of school and saw Katsuki standing next to his car. The greenette smiled upon seeing him and walked over to the blond. "Hi, Kacchan!" the smaller male said. "How was your day Teddy bear?" Katsuki asked as he hugged Izuku tightly. "Good how about yours?" Izuku asked as he returned the hug. "Good too I guess, It was boring without you." Izuku chuckled in response. "I missed you too Kacchan." They parted away from each other and got into the car.

The drive home was silent, Izuku was lost in thought about what Toga said. He just can't get it out of his head. 

Katsuki on the other hand noticed immediately that something was bothering Izuku. The two are worried for each other. Katsuki is worried about what's bothering Izuku and Izuku is worried about what will happen to Katsuki. 

The car stopped again but not at their mansion. "Why the hell did we stop here?" Katsuki yelled. Izuku got pulled out of his thoughts and looked around. Was it going to happen now? Is it a trap? Will Katsuki die?

Suddenly the window from the driver seat opened. "You requested that we stopped here sir." The driver said. "I didn't request to stop here!" Katsuki yelled again.

Izuku was still looking around to see any kind of sign that this was it. he saw the kindergarten and all the kids that ran to their parents. suddenly realization hit Izuku.

"Kacchan, We are here to pick up Eri. We almost forgot her." Izuku said a little panicking but also relieved. "Right." Katsuki said as they got out of the car.

When they arrived home, Eri ran to her room to go play with her dolls. Izuku walked to their shared bedroom and Katsuki went to his office.

Izuku closed the door behind him and plopped down on the bed. At least now he knows to who the pink girly room belongs. Izuku sighed heavily What was he supposed to do? Tell Katsuki about It? Ask more about it to Toga on school? Just wait things out? Izuku couldn't do that. He will grow more worried with each day that will pass. He had to do something.

Izuku stood from the bed and walked over to Katsuki's office. After two hours of helping Katsuki with paperwork. The two are tired and went to bed.

Izuku was cuddled up against Katsuki's chest as Katsuki was enjoying Izuku's warmth. "Kacchan?" Izuku asked breaking the silence. "Yes, teddy bear?" "Did you have any siblings?" It took a while before Katsuki responded. "Yes, A sister. But she is gone now." "how was she like?" Izuku asked looking up at Katsuki. "She was a bit like me. blunt, rude and straight to the point. But she was still different. she was like a spy, always seeing and hearing things she shouldn't. She always knew everything. And just like me she never shared a thing. not a single emotion, not a single thought, nothing. except with me. We could always talk to each other no matter what. But then we had a fight and we didn't speak to each other in weeks and after that, she disappeared." Katsuki explained.

"Do you miss her?" Izuku asked. "Yeah, I won't say this much but hell yeah I miss her." Izuku felt sad for Katsuki, not out of pity but out of love. Katsuki had to live without his sister while she is alive this whole time. "What would you do if you got to see her again?" Izuku asked. "I don't know. I would take it of course but if there is anything at stake then I won't. I'm happy with you Izuku, I wouldn't change it for the world, not even for my sister."  Izuku smiled at this. "Kacchan, I love you too." 

And soon enough they would fall asleep. Katsuki was happy and warm and Izuku forgot for a second what Toga said. 

(926 words)

Hiiii, dreamer again.

Do you have siblings?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and have a very good day. keep dreaming and loving. Dreamer out ^-^

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