50. Loving you right

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

Katsuki carried Izuku bridal style to his room.  He's not sleeping in the hospital bed anymore, He'll sleep with his lover. On his way to the bedroom, Izuku fell asleep. "My cute little blood bag." Katsuki whispered to himself. He entered his room and walked to his personal bathroom. The blonde gently woke Izuku up. "Izuku, my love. Could you open your eyes for me, baby?" Katsuki asked with a caring voice. Izuku didn't react. "Izuku, wake up teddy bear." Still no reaction. "Izuku! Wake up I'm serious! You're scaring me!" Katsuki started to panic. 

Right then Izuku's eyes opened. Katsuki let out a sigh of relief. "Hmm..." Izuku was barely awake. "Can you stand for a couple of minutes, so I can fill the bath please?" Katsuki asked as he put Izuku with his feet on the floor. Katsuki let the water run and prepared some clean clothes. "Kacch-" Izuku said very weakly but before he could finish he passed out, Katsuki could catch him just in time. "Izuku! Wake up!" Katsuki yelled and Izuku half opened his eyes. "God... I won't let you take a bath on your own, your gonna drown." Katsuki said. 

2 minutes later they were seated in the bath together. Izuku was dying of emmberesment. "I-I'm so-sorry you have t-to waste so much t-time on m-me, K-kacchan." Izuku apologized. "What are you talking about? I'm not wasting time, Teddy bear. I'm spending time with the person I love." Izuku started crying. Katsuki was confused, did he say something wrong? "Baby, Why are you crying?" Katsuki asked while wiping Izuku's tears away. Izuku was scared, he was scared of what was going to happen to him. Every time Katsuki treats him nicely then right after the blonde hurts him. The better Katsuki takes care of him the worse the pain after is. So if the vampire is treating him like his queen now then he must be planning on killing him.

"Izuku, I know you're scared. But don't worry he's dead, I killed him so he wouldn't hurt you anymore." Katsuki said trying to reassure his lover, but instead, he just confused him. Izuku stayed quiet the whole time Katsuki was washing him and after that clothed him and after that put him in bed. This whole time Izuku didn't speak, This worried Katsuki even more. "Did I say something wrong teddy bear?" Katsuki asked, holding Izuku close to his chest. Izuku looked up to expect an annoyed expression on his lover's face but all he saw was concern. "Why did you kill Todoroki?" This question confused Katsuki. "Because he's a traitor and he hurt you." Katsuki answered. Izuku had something to say but he kept it to himself because he knew he would get punished if he said it to Katsuki's face. "Why are you asking?" Katsuki questioned and this made Izuku panic a bit. "Umm... No reason." Izuku answered with a lie "You can tell me, teddy bear. I won't be mad, I promised I would love you right so tell me." 

"I just don't understand why you killed him, He did everything you asked him to do. He kicked me, hit me, burned me, He even raped me on your orders. And now after he did your dirty work you kill him? And you play nice with me expecting me to forgive you for everything? I can't, I can't do that Katsuki. I was in so much pain because of you and you just watched and ordered around. how do you expect me to forgive you?! I never did anything wrong! My mom never did anything wrong and now she's dead! And I can't help but feel guilty. I can't help but want to apologize to you for every little thing I do. And I can't help but think you're going to kill me next, SO JUST GET ON WITH IT! KILL ME! PLEASE! kill me... I can't live with her corps in my mind... I can't live a broken life... I can't help but forgive you..." Izuku broke down hard trying to push Katsuki away thinking his lover would kill him. Katsuki was beyond pissed hearing Todoroki raped him, but he had to stay calm for Izuku.

"Izuku, hey, baby... Look at me. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I love you too much for that, Okay? I didn't know what Todoroki was doing to you, I didn't know where you were. From the moment I knew your location I gathered an army and went to get you back. I would never order anyone to hurt you. God, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. So please don't be scared of me, please I hate it when you are. I know it's hard for you to believe but trust me when I say that I love you so much and that I would never hurt you." katsuki reassured his lover and Izuku believed it. He hoped Katsuki had nothing to do with it and now that it is true he couldn't stop the tears of joy. They hugged and shared a kiss. everything is settled now.

"One more question, If you thought I was behind all of this, then why did you push me out of the way and risk your life?" Katsuki asked with a smirk on his face. Izuku's cheeks flushed dark red. "I-I Ummm... B-because I-i love you and I didn't want you to die." Izuku said dying from embarrassment."I love you too, teddy bear." Katsuki said in his deep and sexy voice. The blonde grabbed Izuku's chin and kissed him passionately. The kiss was long and heated. The kiss turned into a make-out session, and they were both acting like horny teenagers. 

Katsuki pulled away to ask something but Izuku didn't let him go. He wrapped his arms around The blonde's neck and in response, Katsuki grabbed a hold of Izuku's waist gently making sure not to hurt his broken ribs. To be honest, Katsuki was a bit surprised when Izuku took the lead, He didn't know his tiny lover had that in him especially after being raped. Izuku on the other hand needed this, It was like Katsuki erased every touch of Todoroki, As if he turned it around so that it was him who raped him and not Tododroki and Izuku didn't mind it at all.

Katsuki was finally able to pull away and Izuku pouted at the loss of his soft lips. "Izuku,  Can I make you forget everything he did and turn those painful memories into loving ones?" Katsuki asked. "I don't understand?" Izuku was confused. "Can I turn every touch of his into my own? In other words, Can I make you feel good? show you how it's really supposed to feel?" 

(1133 words)

Hiii, Dreamer here.

The next one is a hotty as you probably already guessed.

Question of the chapter: what shoes are you wearing?

I hope you enjoyed it, have a good day, Dreamer out^-^

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