38. spy

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💭By dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

The beautiful morning came and the warm morning sun shined through the curtains. It woke Katsuki. The blond slowly opened his eyes looking around the room. His eyes landed on forest green curls which were curled up in his chest. It made the mafia boss smile. He wished they could stay like this forever but of course, he has a lot of work to do. 

Suddenly there was movement on the bed. Izuku was a wake. "Well good morning beautiful." Katsuki said while smirking. Izuku looked him in the eye and smiled. "Good morning Kacchan." The smaller male said with a sleep-filled voice. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's warmth. 

Out of nowhere, there was a knock on the door. "Boss your meeting starts over an hour and everyone is questioning how long the weapon robbery will be on hold." Katsuki groaned in annoyance. "I'll be right there." He said as he cuddles Izuku tighter one more time then let's go to get dressed. After a couple of minutes, Izuku had to get up from bed too since he had school.

Izuku was ready to leave. He was already in the car next to Katsuki as the car started to drive. Suddenly the blonde spoke. "Izuku, I have something for you." Izuku turned to look at Katsuki and saw that he was holding a phone. "There are only three numbers in there at the moment. Mine, Kirishima's and Denki's. You can use it for whatever and you can put your friend's numbers in this as well. So if there is ever something wrong or something happened please call me first I will always pick up no matter what." 

Izuku looked at the phone and then back at Katsuki. "Kacchan, you shouldn't have. I was fine without a phone. But thank you so much." Izuku said being thankful while hugging Katsuki. 

An hour later Izuku was walking in the halls of his school together with his friends. Suddenly he got a message on his new phone. 


-Boy's restroom after class

This confused Izuku. He already put all of his friends on his phone. After class Izuku's curiosity took the better of him and he decided to go to the boy's restroom to find out who send that text. When he arrived Izuku saw a blonde-haired person in front of him. No, It wasn't Katsuki, 

It was Toga.

"Toga? What are you doing in the boy's restroom?" Izuku asked. "I needed to talk to you and getting you to enter the girl's restroom would be hard." Toga giggled. "You were the one who send me a text? How did you even get my number? I got this phone today." Izuku questioned. "That doesn't matter but yes I was the one who send you a text, it was to talk to you like I said before." Toga explained. "Okay, what do you want to talk about?" Izuku asked.

"Well, since you are in a relationship with my brother who is the person that despises love more than anything. I think you know more about relationships and love than I do. That's why I need your help with something. There is this person I really like and I want to be with her." Toga said asking for help. "Well, I don't know a lot about girls or what they like but sure I will try my best to help you get together with this person." Izuku said smiling.

The two of them didn't know that someone was watching them and listening to their conversation, the problem is that this person only heard part of their conversation.

A couple of hours later school was done and Izuku was sitting in the car on his way back to the mansion. Unfortunately, Katsuki couldn't join him. 

While Izuku was on his way Katsuki was having a chat with his spy. 

"What did he do today." Katsuki asked with a serious voice "Not much, he studied for a test that was coming up and he asked all his friends to put their numbers in his phone." Katsuki's spy said. It made Katsuki smile to hear about the useless things Izuku would never tell him, Of course, he didn't show his smile.

"But there was this weird thing with the same girl as yesterday." The spy started. "Today they talked in the boy's restroom." Katsuki's smile immediately disappeared. "What did they talk about?" Katsuki snapped at the spy he hired to watch Izuku at school every day. "I didn't catch the whole conversation but it looks like The girl asked Izuku for help with love and after that, it was too quiet for me to hear but then she gave him her number."

Katsuki was furious.

(786 words)

Hiii, dreamer again.

Do you get jealous fast?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and have a good day. Dreamer out^-^

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