44. Hanging with a friend

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

"KATSUKI! KATSUKI!" The vampire came running into the room. "He's gone." Kirishima said. The blonde looked around. There was glass scattered on the floor from the broken window. Izuku's chain was in two and his collar is laying on the bed snapped in half. Without the collar, there is no way to find Izuku.

Izuku slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a soft bed that smelled good, the room was nicely decorated and the windows were wide open. The green-haired boy sat up and walked to the window. It was sunny outside with a light breeze. The grass was super green and the birds were singing a nice song. It was a wonderful morning but the best part is that Izuku noticed the collar was off his neck.

Izuku was enjoying the freedom he felt until someone knocked on the door. The door slowly opened to reveal...

Toga, she walked into the room. "Izuku-kun! Your awake!" Toga yelled as she ran to hug Izuku. "Hey, how are you Toga?" Izuku asked happily. "Good, how about you?" Toga answered. Izuku didn't answer. "I know, It's nice to have windows without locks, sleep without a chain or walk around without a collar around your neck." Toga said smiling sadly. "How do you know?" Izuku questioned. "Well I wanted to warn you about the spy that follows you around at school so I came to visit you but I saw you passed out on the bed with chains and a collar so yeah." Toga explained. Izuku looked down. "I thought he loved me." Izuku said as he sat on the bed. "My brother is a complicated vampire, Izuku." Toga said as she sat down next to him. "But I watched you two once when he came to pick you up at school, and when I looked into his eyes when he saw you and the only thing I saw was love. I can't answer why he hurts you, but I know he loves you a lot." Toga said before she stood up and left the room.

Days went by and Izuku and Toga had a lot of fun together. They went shopping and went to school and best of all is when they scared criminals away. Once Izuku and Toga walked home from school and saw a thief steal a purse from an old lady. So they both scared the thief so much that he forgot all about the purs. Because Toga is Katsuki's brother she is a vampire as well. She is a golden vampire, it isn't as fancy as it sounds. Her bite allows the person and her to turn invisible so that's how they scare the thieves. It's a lot of fun.

But like always the fun has to end somewhere. Izuku was on his way to the grocery store to buy some food but he never got back home.

(486 words)

Hiii, dreamer again. I know it's a very short chapter, I'm sorry.

also warning next chapter is very sad

and my question for this chapter is.....

What's your favorite game?

Have a great day, I love you all💚 Dreamer out^-^

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