18. Don't kill anyone

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV

Izuku got scared he didn't want to feel that pain again. "No please" "Tell me Deku or I will shock you again." "Please I just don't want you to hurt or kill other people." "My patients are running out Deku." Izuku's mind: {No I don't want to feel that pain again. But if I tell him then he will kill other innocent people.

"One..."Izuku's mind: {I need to take advantage of this situation. But how?

"Two..." Izuku's mind: { Think, think, think, I GOT IT.

"THREE... " 

"WAIT. I am going to tell you but if I do, I want something in return." "It depends on what it is." "W-well school starts again over a week a-and I was wondering if I c-could go." "No way." Katsuki answered. "Then I won't tell you." "Oh, you will Deku because I think that you forgot who you belong to." "Yeah I know I'm yours and stuff and you're my master but please I want to go back to school." Izuku pleaded. "No" "You can't keep me here forever." "Oh yeah, watch me!" Katsuki almost yelled. Izuku didn't have anything to say after that. 

"Just tell me Deku. It would save us both time and pain. Besides we both know you will eventually tell me anyway so.."Izuku was quiet he just looked at the floor. "I don't want to hurt you again so Tell me.....please." Izuku was shocked when he heard that. "Fine but please promise me that you won't kill anyone."Izuku looked with teary eyes at Katsuki and Katsuki stared back deep into Izuku's eyes looking through them and seeing the hope, care and pure soul that Izuku owned. Katsuki couldn't possibly say no. "Fine..... but now you have to tell me." "Okay, I will." "NOW!" The blond said starting to lose patience. "Okay, Okay." Katsuki put the collar remote back in his pocket.

"first of all, I am going inside The building to disable security so that there won't come more guards and so that the security cameras are out. They know me so they will let me in but you guys, on the other hand, they won't let you in since they don't know you and you don't have passes. When I disabled security then you, Mina and Kirishima can drive in with a truck and take out the front guards like that. We are not going to fight off all the guards so someone is going to have to take their place because there are some guards doing a patrol around the building and if they see that the guards are gone they are going to inform the boss. And believe me when I say you don't want her on the battlefield. So just use the most useless guard you have because all he is going to have to do is stand there and watch and we will probably not come back for him." Izuku explains as Katsuki smirks already knowing what guard to use.

"Then you just need to walk inside with no trouble because they don't ask for passes at the front door. I will wait for you guys in the elevator. There, we are in the building, now all we will have to do is go to the 30th floor. There you, Mina and Kirishima are going to have to take out all the guards on that floor because you do need a pass there since the volt is on that floor. Then just have Sero open the volt but if that happens then the alarm is going to go off since the volt is on a whole other security system. Luckily the 30th floor is still on the other system so I can control it and make the floor go into lockdown so that the guards from the other floors can't come to us. Then we will take the weapons with us. Since the floor is on lock down we can't use the elevator and we can't use the stairs either since it is blocked and there are many guards trying to get through. We are going to have to use the escape route after the closet behind the desk. The guards don't know it's there only the boss knows it and me since I saw her use it once. Anyway, that secret route is going to lead to a staircase that leads all the way underground and it comes out a bit farther away from the building. So we just have to make sure there is a car ready there to pick us up and then we can drive back to the mansion." Izuku said like it was nothing. 

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