17. Tell me

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV

A hour later Kirishima walks in the room. "Hey boss, sorry if I interrupt something but Todoroki wanted me to ask to you for how long he could take a break?" He then sees Katsuki and Izuku sleeping on the couch and smiles. Kirishima grabbed a blanket and putted on Izuku before leaving the room and telling everyone about it.

The next morning. Katsuki woke up first. He kept staring at Izuku before standing up and walking towards the door. Izuku woke up as he didn't feel the cold hands of Katsuki anymore. "Master?"Izuku says in a sleepy voice. Katsuki turned to look at Izuku. "Where are you going?" "Getting breakfast." "Can I come too?" Katsuki was quiet. He was thinking if he should let Izuku go with him down stairs with or without a chain. "Yes you can come too but if you are out of my sight then I am going to lock you up in your room again. Got it?" "Yes master" Izuku stood up from out the sofa and mad his way next to Katsuki. He picked the chain up from the ground and handed it over to the vampire. The blond looked confused. "I am not going to chain you up. We are in the mansion and I am going to keep my eye on you all the time so you can leave the chain here." Izuku was surprised but happy and smiling. "Thank you." "Whatever."They walked out the room, down stairs all the way to the kitchen. 

They sad down on the table while everyone else was staring at them. "What are you all staring at?" Katsuki asked annoyed "Nothing."Kirishima answered. "How did you guys sleep?"Mina asked with a smirk on her face. Kirishima bumped her shoulder. Mina whispered. "what?" "Don't ask them." Kirishima whispered back. "Sorry I just couldn't help it anymore. I had to ask it." "You promised not to ask it when I told you what i saw." Katsuki cleared his throat. Mina and Kirishima turned to look at the blond. Katsuki gave Kirishima a death stare. Izuku noticed and tried to change the subject. "I slept quite good actually." He says wile smiling. "I slept good too but... whatever." Katsuki said. "Oh I almost forgot to ask but how long can Todoroki take a break?" Kirishima asked "let's start with a week shall we." "Okay and what is on the schedule?" "Today, nothing special I just need to do some paper work and plan the heist. But tomorrow I am going to visit an old friend with Izuku. I think we are going to stay there for the night too." "Is there something you need me to do today?" Kirishima asked "I will call you when I need you but for now you can just help dumb face to gather information about the place we are going to rob." "Yes sir." 

When they were done eating. Katsuki went to his office and he took Izuku with him. He sat down on his chair and patted his lap. "Sit" Izuku made slowly his way over to Katsuki and crawled on his lap close to Katsuki's chest. Katsuki started working. "What are you going to rob?" Izuku asked. "Momo Industries." "Why?" "She has my high-tech weapons." "Did she stole them from you?" "No." Izuku was confused. "But then why do you say that they are your high-tech weapons?" "Because once I steal them they are mine." "Okay. What's your strategy?" "That's what I am planning now." 

Katsuki shows Izuku the blue prints of the building. "I think that I will have Sero place ST-grenades on this side of the wall and blow the hole west wall off the building so that we can get in. Then I will have Mina, Kirishima and I take out the security guards. Then I will have Jirou hack the file system to figure out where the volt is. Then we will just go to the volt have Sero breaking it open,take the weapons and get out of there." Katsuki explained. "You are going to get Yourself killed." Izuku said serious. "What do you mean? It's a great plan."The blond protested. "At first sight it is but if you would gather information about the place you are going to rob then you would see that it's a terrible plan. Not only that but there are many mistakes in it." "I am gathering info about enemy territory. But I would like to see you come up with something else then." Katsuki smirked "No. I am not going to help you take other people's lives." Izuku said. "Then why did you warned me that it was a terrible plan?"Izuku stayed quiet for a sec before muttering something.

"Because I don't want to see you go on a suicide mission, Die and then having a guilty feeling because I could have stopped you." "Oh so you care about your master?~" Katsuki said in a teasing voice. Izuku got flustered. "N-no I don't! I-it's just if you die t-then I-I won't have anywhere to go." Katsuki laughed.He loved how much effect he has on Izuku. "Just tell me why you think that there are mistakes in my plan?" "No." "I get that you don't want to help me kill other people. But if You won't tell me why my plan is so bad then I will just do it anyway." "Fine. But I will only tell you why it is a bad plan not how I would do it." "Fine" "First of all the hole building is surrounded by a fence and security cameras." "I know but I have found a blind spot for the cameras and I was planning to just climb over the fence since it isn't that high." Katsuki explained "You were planning to climb over the fence?"Izuku asked. "Well yeah" "An electric-charged fence?" "It's not a electric-charged fence." "Yes it is." "Okay smart ass,how could you possibly know, huh?" "I know everything about that building." Izuku said. "How?" the vampire asked. 

"My mom works there so I go there too sometimes to ask her something since we were too poor to buy phones. But that's not the only thing, when I was little my mom couldn't afford a babysitter so she took me with her to work. I know the place like the back of my head. I practically grew up there." "Okay so I made a simple mistake do you have any other things to tell me while you're a tit?" "It's not a simple mistake. That fence contains more volts then a lightning bolt." "so how much volts are that?" Katsuki asked confused. "A lightning bolt can be a billion volts So that means instant Death. So if you would have done it your way you would have died before even getting in the building." "Okay so I can have Sero blow the fence."The blond feeling smart with his simple solution. "That won't work either. You would set off the security alarm." "So? I will just kill them." The blond said losing his temper a bit. "They are good trained guards and there are 86 guards in total in the building. If that'snot enough, there are more than 300 guards coming to the building within 10 seconds if the security alarm go's of. I am sure that you can't fight them all at the same time." "Hold on a sec. I get that you know the place very well but even knowing how long it takes before the security guards arrive is a little to detailed." Katsuki questioned. "What's wrong whit that? I got bored a lot as a kid so I use to set of the alarm just for fun." Izuku said smiling as Katsuki smirked.

Izuku was smarter then he thought and getting a plan from him would sure be a good one. "Tell me how you would do it." Katsuki suddenly asked. "No." "Tell me." "No" "Now Deku" the blond losing his temper even more now. "No master I won't." "I am going to ask it one more time Deku. Tell. Me. How. You. Would. Do. It. NOW!" "NO!" Katsuki got the collar remote out of his pocket. "I'm not taking 'no' for an answer Deku."

(1374 words)

This was part 17. I hope you enjoyed and have a good day. KEEP DREAMING! dreamer out^-^

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