11. Lies

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV

After four hours of sleep, Katsuki woke up because of the cold. The first thing Katsuki did was checking on Izuku of course, he was still sleeping. The blond did some paperwork until it was breakfast time. After he ate, he brought a plate with eggs and bacon to Izuku. When Katsuki opened the door he saw Izuku's bed empty but he saw that the chain led to the bathroom so he waited until Izuku got back.

The door from the bathroom went open and Izuku tried to walk back to bed but fell on the floor. Katsuki walked over and helped Izuku walk to bed. "Thank you." "No problem. I brought you breakfast." Izuku took the plate and started eating. "Mmmm... this is so good, thank you so much."

After Izuku finished his breakfast. "Master?" "Yes?" "I am sorry for yesterday. And thank you for the water, I really was thirsty." "you're welcome... I didn't just bring you breakfast I also brought a notebook and a couple of pens just like I said I would." Izuku eyes widened in surprise. "I thought you forgot." "If it's about you I don't forget anything." Izuku hugged Katsuki out of happiness. "Thank you so so so much." Katsuki was surprised that Izuku hugged him so suddenly but he liked it and blushed slightly. "Stop saying 'thank you' all the time." Izuku realized that he was hugging Katsuki and immediately backed away, his face as red as a tomato. "I-I'm s-so-sorry." "Hey ...Who said you could move?" As Katsuki says that he grabs Izuku and pulls him on his lap again. Izuku blushes even more now. Katsuki hands a pen and a notebook over to Izuku. The green-haired boy starts sketching and writing with full inspiration. 

Katsuki is just watching what Izuku is sketching and writing about. When Izuku was almost done with the sketch Katsuki could recognize who it was. "Is that me?" "Yes, I have been thinking about what to take notes of first, so why not you." "Do you want to ask me some questions?" "Yeah, but I didn't know if it is okay to ask you such things." "It is okay, ask me." "Okay. How old are you?" " I'm 19." Izuku writes down every single word that comes out of Katsuki's mouth, as he keeps asking questions like: "How old can a vampire become?" or  "Is a wolf the only animal you can turn into?"

After a couple of hours of answering questions, it was time to eat. Katsuki could answer most of the questions but there were some questions he couldn't tell the answer to Izuku like:" Do you have siblings" or "how many people have you killed" Well he did answer that one but it was too general. Katsuki just answered it with "Many".

"Are you done with your questions?" "Yeah for the moment." "FOR THE MOMENT??!! I have been answering questions for hours. How can you still have questions?" "I don't know I just know what to ask and what to take notes of." "Well, I'm going to get some food for you." "Thank you, I was starting to get hungry." "Is there anything you want?" "No you don't have to make something just for me, I will just eat what's already on the table." "I am not going to cook, the cook is going to cook. So just say what you want to eat you damn nerd." "Well in that case I would like to eat katsudon please." "Okay, I will be back with some katsudon for you."  "Thank you." Katsuki stood up still holding Izuku and puts him back in the bed. The blond kissed Izuku on the forehead and left the room. Izuku was surprised, speechless and as red as Kirishima's hair. 

10 Minutes later Katsuki comes back into the room with a plate of katsudon. Izuku ate and After a while of talking Katsuki took the chain off of Izuku's collar. "What are you doing?" "I want you to trust me but for that, I need to trust you too so I am trusting you that you won't run away without a chain." "Thank you so much" Izuku hugged Katsuki and Katsuki hugged back. "Now I am going to leave you alone. I will come to check on you in the morning." "Okay." Katsuki left the room with the empty plate in his hands. 

A couple of hours later Izuku was thirsty but he didn't know what to do. Suddenly he heard footsteps in the hallway. "Hello?" The footsteps stopped and the door opened. A male with red and white hair came in. "Hello?" he looked around and saw Izuku on the bed. "Oh hello. Sorry, I forgot your name." Todoroki apologized "I'm Izuku." "Okay Izuku I am Todoroki but you can call me Shoto." 

Dabi who stood behind Todoroki pulled him back into the hallway. *That's the cutie from a couple of days ago.* Dabi whispered. Todoroki whispered back.*I know that dippshit. So what* *I have been keeping an eye on him and I think that the boss is getting too close to him.* *So what I ship it.* * You what?! I don't ship it. I want that cutie for myself.* *You can't change who he likes and besides, the boss is going to kill you.* *Oh yeah, watch and learn.* *What are you going to do?* Dabi went back into Izuku's room without answering the question from his brother. "Sorry for that, I'm Dabi by the way." "Okay Dabi where is Shoto?." "Oh, he is right here."

Dabi pulls Todoroki back into the room. "Why did you call for us?" "Oh yeah I am a little thirsty so could you please get master." "Master?" Todoroki asked "He meant the boss you idiot." "Oh yeah makes sense." Dabi wants Izuku all for himself and has made some plans but this was the perfect opportunity. "The boss told me to say to you that if you need anything you just have to go to him." Dabi said lying to Izuku. "Really? It doesn't sound like something he would say." "Yeah I know but he did." "Okay, but will you please help me get to him." "We are so sorry but we can't we have to do something." "Okay thank you for telling me." "No problem."Dabi said with a smirk as the two brothers left the room and are leaves Izuku all alone. 

He tries to stand but falls on the bed again. Izuku's mind: {Am I really so weak? I could just stay here and wait but I have only drunk two glasses of water so I really need to drink.} Izuku tried to stand again, this time he didn't fall back over but now the hardest part came, walking. He tried to take a step but fell over. He tried again and again until he could walk. Izuku got out of the bedroom and try's to make his way to the end of the hallway this time he goes the other way than the way he went when he escaped. He fell a couple of times but he made it. There was a big staircase at the end of the second hallway. 

Katsuki was in his office doing some paperwork when he had a weird feeling in his stomach. The blond stood up from his chair and decided to check on Izuku who wasn't in his room anymore. Katsuki"s mind: {That damn brat. The collar alarm hasn't gone off yet so he is still in the house. Tch fucking Deku.

Izuku made his way to the big staircase with the thought that Katsuki would be downstairs. Before Izuku could grab the railing he tripped and fell over it, which makes him fall from the third floor. 

(1296 words)

Poor Izuku, bet he is going to get the blame.

Have you ever got the blame for something you didn't do?

anyway, I hope you liked this part and I hope you have a very good day. KEEP DREAMING! dreamer out^-^

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