7. Consequences

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV

"So do I need to get the torture room ready?" Kirishima asked. "No, get the interrogation room ready." "Wait you are not going to kill him?" "Of course not, he is way too special to do that. There isn't anyone like him, his smell, his blood, his cute face. But that is exactly why I can't let him leave. But I will not let this go unpunished." They talked some more and walk to the mansion. Once in the mansion, they walked to the interrogation room and chained Izuku to a chair. 

"Shitty hair, get the collar." "What? But sir isn't that too harsh? I mean he is only still a kid and he doesn't know that his mother sold him." "THAT'S ENOUGH!! He needs to learn his lesson. Even if it is going to be this way. And he isn't a kid anymore he is two years younger than me" Kirishima started to get scared too, he has seen the boss angry but this is on a whole other level. Kirishima's mind: {That is still under 18 but I don't want to die.} "Okay then, I will get the collar sir." The red-eyed boy then left the room. 

A couple of minutes later he came back with a leather black collar with Katsuki's name on it and the collar has a code lock, not only that but also a fingerprint lock. Only Katsuki knows the code and it was his finger that locked the collar, so only Katsuki could take the collar off. Kirishima then left the room again and a couple of moments later Izuku woke up. He opens his eyes but it is so dark. "Well, that took less long than I expected." Katsuki turned on the light just above Izuku. Izuku's eyes needed to adjust first before looking up at Katsuki. 

Izuku tried to stand up but then realized that he is chained to the chair. "What the-? Let me go!" Katsuki walked up to Izuku. "No. You are way too useful to me." "I am going to do nothing for you and don't you think that I am going to give you one drop of blood." Izuku said angrily. "Oh my, the little nerd is mad." Katsuki chuckled. "But I am the one who is mad here because you ran away when I told you to stay with me. You are mine Deku, do you hear me? MINE." "NO, I AM NOT YOURS!!" "YES, YOU ARE!! I BOUGHT YOU WITH MY MONEY!!" Izuku was shocked when he heard that. "Y-you what?....... You b-bought me, w-what do you mean by t-that?" Katsuki sighed after realizing what he said. "Shit..... I-I ... Your mother sold you so she could pay her debts." 

Izuku started crying. "What? No, s-she can't, she w-would never do t-that." "Look I am sorry but you have to learn you're lesson so I will have to do this." Izuku stopped crying to look at Katsuki. "do what?" "well I bought you like I bought a pet and like any good pet you need to wear a collar." Katsuki smirked and grabbed the black collar. "Wait, what? I get that you bought me but that doesn't mean that you can treat me like I am some kind of dog." Katsuki tried to put the collar around Izuku's neck but Izuku is moving too much. "Stay still puppy~. Putting it on won't hurt~." "No, I don't want to wear a collar" "Tch... Okay then, I will make a deal with you." Izuku looked confused. 

"If you wear the collar then I will get you a surprise." "No way, I don't want anything from you unless it is freedom." "And what if it are notebooks and pens~" Izuku looked surprised at Katsuki. "How do you know that I love taking notes?" Katsuki came closer to Izuku's ear whispering something. "I know everything about you Izuku Midoriya~" Izuku felt chills go down his spine as he hears his full name coming from an intimidating vampire. "But how?" Katsuki laughed as he moved away from his ear. 

 "I have my ways... But what is your answer? Are you going to wear the collar with a smile and have a couple of notebooks to keep you busy or are we going to do this the hard way and I have to put the collar on you by force?" Izuku was quiet for a moment until he spoke. "F-fine...."  "Good boy" Katsuki puts on Izuku's collar and stares at him for a while. "Why are you staring at me like that?" "It just cheers your master up to see that you are now completely in my command and that you are mine for life." "I am not in your command, you can't make me do things against my will." "Oh no? We will see about that≈" Katsuki takes a device that was with the collar and turns the power on setting it on "1 low". Izuku immediately began to scream as he felt pain through his entire body. "AAHHH!!" "You see, that collar isn't just a normal collar, it's a shocker ." Katsuki laughed. "AAAH MAKE IT STOP!!" "No, it is not going to be like that. I want you to beg for it" Something broke inside of Katsuki as he looks at Izuku who is in pain. Is it guilt or is it pity? Whatever it is Katsuki knows that Izuku had to learn his lesson so he kept going.

Izuku was crying in pain. "PLEASE MAKE IT STOP I AM SORRY PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU!!" "Who are you begging to?" "PLEASE MASTER STOP I AM SO SORRY!!" Katsuki turned the power off. Izuku was breathing heavily. "Now that this is out of the way, I have a couple of questions." Izuku looked with an expression full of fear at Katsuki.

 "so first of all, from where the hell do you have all those scars?" "Why do you care? It is not like you like me anyway. The only reason that I am still alive is that you need my blood so don't act like you care." Izuku said sadly as Katsuki stood there with a poker face. "I do care Izuku. So tell me." Izuku stayed silent because he thought that it was a lie until Katsuki said something that really surprised him. "Please tell me Izuku." Izuku saw the care in his eyes again and sight.

 "I-I got them from s-school." Katsuki was surprised he didn't expect that answer. "What do you mean?" "I h-have bullies and t-they like to h-hurt me." Katsuki got pissed. "WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY ARE, HURTING WHAT'S MINE!!! I WILL FUCKING KILL THEM!! WHO ARE THEY?" Izuku got scared again. "I-I don't know their names, I am sorry." Katsuki realized that he yelled again. "I am sorry I yelled again, don't be scared." "Says the one who shocked me." "I am really sorry Deku but you needed to learn your lesson. If you do everything I ask and don't run away again then I won't have to hurt you anymore."

 "I know I just thought that my mom needed me but... she doesn't... I have nowhere else to go...so... I will just have to stay here with you I guess. I am really sorry that I ran off. I miss her. I promise that I won't do it again." Izuku said sadly as the tears in his eyes rolled off his cheeks. Katsuki unchained Izuku and hugged him. "I know.....I know you miss her but just stay here with me, I will take care of you, okay?" Izuku cuddled closer into Katsuki'schest. "O-okay........Master?" "Yeah?" "Thank you." "For what?" "You saved me and my mom from being poor and you took care of me." Katsuki smiled. Katsuki's mind: { What the hell I just tortured him and now he is thanking me. anyway, I am way too soft why do I even care? I just want his blood, I am so hungry.} "I am hungry can I bite you now?"

(1342 words) 

This was part 7 I hoped you enjoy it and have a nice day.

Have you ever thought about torturing the person you hate? or am I the only one?

never stop believing. dreamer out ^-^

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