15. Protective

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 Ignore the villain Deku and imagine that Katsuki is sitting on the chair not all for one ;)

 💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV

Katsuki sat down on the big chair. Deku was just standing next to him. "Sit." Katsuki said sternly.  Izuku hesitated for a second as he was looking at everyone until he remembered what Katsuki told him earlier in the car. "Yes, master." Izuku sat down on the ground next to Katsuki. Katsuki petted Izuku's head with his left hand.

"Good morning everyone. Good that you could all make it." Everyone in the room answered with "Good morning boss. Good to be here" they talked about some random stuff like the police, money and weapons. 

When it was lunch break everyone stud up from their seat some went to the window where the cooks were to order some food and some walked over to others and started talking. There was one guy with blue hair who walked up to Katsuki and Izuku. "Bakugo, how are you?" "First of all we are not friends shit face so it is boss for you and second I am doing good. How about you? Oh, I just remember that I don't care." The man named Shigaraki was staring at Izuku. "Right, sorry boss. If you don't mind me asking who is your lovely pet who is sitting next to you like a good dog?"Katsuki looked over to Izuku and petted his head again. "This is my new pet. I call him Deku since he is useless but I can't complain he is a very good boy" Izuku wasn't listening to their conversation. On the other hand, he was looking at the table in the corner with food and drinks. He was so hungry I mean they even have katsudon. "Master?" Katsuki stopped talking to Shigaraki and answered "Yes?" 

"Can I please get something to eat and drink, I am starting to get hungry." Katsuki looks over to the tables to see if there are any annoying people there. Luckily there aren't. "Yes, you may go but on one condition. Don't talk to anyone and take a plate so that you can eat it here and remember what I told you in the car." "Yes, master." Katsuki unchained Izuku's collar. Izuku stood up and bowed. "Can I get you anything master?" Katsuki was shocked. He didn't think Izuku would ask him that, he's so nice. "No, I am not hungry." "Okay, master." Izuku then walked over to the tables. 

Shigaraki started to talk again. "He is so submissive. How did you do it?" "What do you mean by that shit face?" "I mean, how did you get him so obedient?" "Oh that. Well, I have my ways." "I have never seen a pet so submissive, but that's not the only thing that's fishy about him." Katsuki looked with an annoyed look at the blue-haired man. Shigaraki then left. 

Izuku took a plate just like Katsuki told him to do and was standing next to the big plate full of katsudon on the table. Shigaraki walked up to Izuku. "Hey Deku right?" the pale-skinned male said with a smirk. Izuku's mind:{I want to say 'only master can call me that' but master told me not to talk to anyone and I don't want to get shocked again.} "Okay Deku it is. What did Bakugo do to you?" Izuku didn't answer he was just putting katsudon on his plate. "Come on. It is obvious that he did something so horrible that your traumatized and scared of him." Izuku just stayed silent. "You know. I would never do something so cruel to my pet. So what do you think about going with me don't worry about the big angry Pomeranian, I will protect you against him. So what do you say?"Izuku looked at Shigaraki with a serious look. "I am sorry but I already have a master." "Yeah, but you could be more than just a pet to me." Shigaraki slowly wrapped his arms around Izuku's neck.

" Shigaraki slowly wrapped his arms around Izuku's neck

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Izuku jumped in surprise. "LET ME GO YOU PERVERT!" Izuku dropped the plate with katsudon and stomped on Shigaraki's toes but he didn't let go of Izuku that easily so Izuku elbowed him in the stomach which makes Shigaraki let go of him. Izuku turned around and slapped Shigaraki in the face before running to Katsuki. The commotion caught everyone's attention. Izuku arrived at Katsuki's chair and crawled on his lap just like Katsuki told him to do. Katsuki already had his gun ready. Shigaraki arrived at Katsuki's chair too. "What the hell is your problem exactly?" Katsuki asked a little pissed off. "What the hell is my problem? I'll do you one better. What is his problem?" He pointed at Izuku who was still sitting in Katsuki's lap. "That little motherfucker slabbed me." 

"So?" "HE IS AGGRESSIVE! I like the aggressive ones and he is kind of cute too. How much?" Katsuki put Izuku down next to the chair and stood up. He grabbed Shigaraki by the neck and lifted him off of the ground. "LISTEN HERE YOU SHIT FACE! ONE, DON'T CALL HIM A MOTHERFUCKER. SECOND, DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME AND THIRD BUT MOST IMPORTANT, HE. IS. MINE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Shigaraki acted all cool when he was actually terrified. "Whatever." "Oh, so you want to play it cool, huh? That's fine by me. Let's see how long it takes before you beg for your life." Katsuki put the gun against the side of Shigaraki's face. Shigaraki was shaking like crazy now. "Please no I didn't mean it like that I'm so-"

Katsuki pulled the trigger and splatted Shigaraki's brains all over the place. Everyone was shocked. He ripped a piece of Shigaraki's jacket and lit it up on fire. He held it in his hand like it didn't hurt him, he just stood there with his hand on fire. 

"Shitty hair." Katsuki called out to his right-hand man. "Yes sir?" "Bring Deku to the car and wait there for me." He took the chain and chained Izuku's collar again and gave the chain to Kirishima. "Yes sir." Kirishima went to the door of the room pulling Izuku with him. It took a while before Kirishima could open the door but once he did he didn't waste another second to leave. But Izuku on the other hand didn't want to leave Katsuki alone with all those other dangerous people. Izuku stopped walking and pulled back. Kirishima was confused. "Come on Izuku we need to leave." "But Master." "What about him?" "Will he be okay?" Kirishima was surprised. "Wait... Are you...Are you worried about him?" ".....Y-yes... so?" "It is okay he will be okay. He will kill everyone in that room with no effort." Kirishima said reassuring Izuku. "Are you sure?" "Yeah. I am sure, he killed much dangerous people that those dumb people inside that room. So don't worry." "Okay if you say so."

They walked to the elevator and went down to floor 0. They then left the building and Kirishima waited outside the car while Izuku was in the car. Katsuki fought off everyone in the room already and they are all knocked out cold on the floor. He then drops the piece of ripped clothing on the ground which caused the room to fill with big flames.

 He then drops the piece of ripped clothing on the ground which caused the room to fill with big flames

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Katsuki walked out of the room and slowly made his way to the elevator. He went down and walked outside to the car. By then the whole building is on fire. Katsuki got in the car next to Izuku. "Come on shitty hair we are leaving." Kirishima got in the car and drove away.

(1314 words)

This was part 15 I hope it was okay. again art is not mine! have a great day. KEEP DREAMING! dreamer out ^-^

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