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💭By Dreamer💭

Katsuki's POV.

I let Izuku go and he walked over to Overhaul who had a sick smirk on his ugly face. Eri ran to Izuku and they hugged then she ran to me. I told her to stay behind me. Overhaul was talking shit about how Izuku will never be his and he is right but then I saw that Overhaul was moving his hand holding a knife and it was like time stopped. 

I felt my color being drained as I looked at the knife knowing exactly what will happen. But I couldn't let it happen. I just got him back, I won't lose you again Izuku. I need you, and not only for your blood but for your love. I couldn't protect you before so please let me protect you now.

I teleported in between Izuku and Overhaul right before Overhaul could stab him. The knife didn't go through Izuku but through me.

"KACCHAN!!" Izuku yelled worried. "Don't worry Izuku... I'm a vampire remember..... Normal knives can't do me... anything." I say kinda breathing heavily for some reason. "Luckily for me. This isn't a normal knife." Overhaul said laughing. What? Not a normal knife? What does he mean? I looked down at the knife and saw blood. 

"I know you are a vampire, Katsuki. I knew it even before you were born. You see Katsuki After my father died my mother fell in love with a new man. It was your father, he didn't love her back because he already had your mother who wasn't so happy to see that another woman wanted him. You look a lot like her Katsuki. She killed my mother for wanting what was hers. After that, I spent my whole life wanting revenge but then I saw you and I knew immediately that you were her son. So I used that against her." Overhaul explained. "You motherfucker!" I yelled as I grabbed the knife out of my body and stabbed him in the heart. That shit face immediately died and I fell to the ground with him.

"KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled as he ran up to me and sat next to me on the ground. He grabbed me and hugged me. "Kacchan no please why? please stay awake don't leave me." He pleaded with his pretty little lips. Don't worry Izuku. I won't leave you, I will be with you forever. I promise you just have to hang in there for a while.

Izuku's POV.

"I...Love...you..............Izuku" Kacchan said with his last breath. Why? I love you too Kacchan but why are you leaving me again? I don't want you to go.

I cried and cried Until Kirishima arrived. He dragged Kacchan's body into the car and I was still holding him. I couldn't let go. I just couldn't. Kirishima started to ask questions about what happened but he soon realized that I didn't want to talk about it. 

We were almost at the mansion.

Please Kacchan be okay. Keep fighting. Wake up, for me. 

I love you Kacchan.

(498 words)

This was part 29. I hope you liked it and have a good day. Keep dreaming. dreamer out^-^

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